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Would You Work For This Autocrat

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Canary42 | 00:38 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | News
14 Answers

"I want to keep my workers captive"        





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nine staff psychologists on hand to keep staff in their place ... Perhaps his HQ is actually down a pit somewhere.

I probably would for a bit, but go somewhere better asap, along with all the other sane/competent people.

Changed my mind as I was typing that. No. if I was sane and or competent I'd be saying no to that job offer in the first place.

Yes, I'd love to work for a boss who knows that his employees are there to actually do some work, rather than drinking coffee and/or socialising, etc.

That's whyI get so p___'d off when I read about, say, Amazon employees, complaining that they're being 'bullied' by their employer, just because their bosses want them to work at peak efficiency.

The best bosses I've worked for have always been ones who, while working hard themselves, have ensured that their staff constantly felt under massive pressure.  That's the way that ALL businesses should be run.

are you sure nine psychologists would be enough for your team, Buenchico?

I'd get rid of them all, Jno 😊

# Matthew and Son, the work's never done, there's always something new,

# the files in your head, you take them to bed, you're never ever through..... #

Do you object to his childcare facilities too and the provision of gyms? Why not acknowledge the good points rather than just focus on one word ( captive).in the context of what he was talking about we know what he means- even though in a woke world someone will take offence at his humour

Smartphone maker ' nothing' 

Surely a typo? 

Things will go better once the whiners, whingers and skivers are rooted out.

We could do it here but the bosses are as bad as the staff.

All he has to do is supply a decent coffee maker & consumables. But I see there already is a restaurant so does it not provide coffee ?


Alternatively one employee taking a short while to get a number of coffees a couple of times a day isn't likely to cost the company much more than the employees taking time to slag his work demands off twice a day.


I'm unsure it is as bad as painted. No wfh is fair enough and should be in the contract if required.

When I worked indoors nobody could go wandering off si tewilly nilly except during lunch breaks. In some jobs I was on call during lunch so had to stay on site all day.

I think it is fair to expect employees to stay at work during working hours.

He's bang on, Install a bar too then I would be wuite happy to not leave the building.

If he expects them to work all the time they're in the office, why install a gym?

So they can work out in their lunch breaks, before and after work.  Can't see anything to criticise there

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