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And You Thought That Your Job Was Difficult ...

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wolf63 | 16:10 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

I was going to post a cute cat video but this one popped up and I thought that it would be interesting to watch.


You will need to make sure that the subtitles are on as the video is from Turkey, it also translates what the cat says.



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Somehow I think cute cat video is a bit of an understatement 😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  .

Quite amazing how calm the cat was when the front claws were being trimmed.

I  liked the way the vet let the cat have one last hit to "even the score" before closing the cage at the end.  

Who would be a vet ?  Thanks for the link wolf.

The vet deserves a medal for bravery!

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My Princess Merlin was almost as bad as that at the vet.  Her brother was no trouble, he just wanted to get it over and done with.

It's just as well they are small animals.


I'm bumping this as the later evening folk should have an opportunity to pick it off Latest Posts 😊   😊   😊   😊   😊   

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Today is Caturday 💜

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And You Thought That Your Job Was Difficult ...

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