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Buy some ant powder then,it's not rocket science.

More scraping-the-barrel by the Torn-apart-Tories.


You lost, man up and accept it.

I wonder if someone somewhere will soon point out that the far right/racists must be behind these allegations 

This is already been discussed - although it probably is in the wrong section.

Black Mould And Ant Infestation. in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank

scraping the barrel? I voted for Labour as we needed a change- but I know if this had been a Tory MP landlord six months ago the left on AnswerBank and elshwhere would have been having a field day

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Tnx Barmaid

19.40 Is your rented accommodation in this state of disrepair and neglect? If so is it because of your neglect or your landlords? Will your benefits be enough to tidy it up if it is like this?  

bleddy crooks, all of them.

Worse at Christmas, ants in decs.

Good story.   
Labour hate bad Landlords, and it turns out one of their own is renting out infested properties.  
Hope he is very embarrassed and improves conditions for his tenants. But probably won't bother

It may remind him of the old country.

he blames his agents, which may be legit (as it might be for Tory landlords too); none the less, it's his responsibility. I'm surprised the tenants haven't publicised it before but maybe they don't know who the owner is if they rent through agents.

Landlords are parasites and slumlords are scum. people like this should not be welcome in labour. 

^All landlords, untitled? We have at least one on here. (No names🤣😎 Are you including councils or just private landlords?


landlords let on a lease - landlords let

landlords let -  - tenants rent - chrissakes

Canary 19.40. //you lost, man up and accept it//

You mean like the remainers did after they lost the Brexit vote?

I'll happily bet a shiny shilling that this goes away.

All landlords, untitled? We have at least one on here.

three I think

and very touchy they are about it too ;) 

//landlords let -  - tenants rent - chrissakes//

calm down PP- webbo meant 'rent out', but we all understood what he meant

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Labour Mp Renting Dodgy Flats.

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