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Are Labour Trying To Kill Off Pubs Completely

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webbo3 | 12:33 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | News
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Minimum pricing on alcohol along with no smoking near a pub will do it.

Anyone regreting voting Labour



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In all fairness they are talking about minimum pricing and that won't effect pubs really. I think they already have it in Scotland and it mainly affects cheap booze from supermarkets etc.

//Tackling the harms of alcohol is set to be one of the main aims of the government//

As an alcoholic I can tell you that upping the price wouldnt stop someone like me fron getting it somehow.

And I dont see why social drinkers should be forced to pay extra because some peope harm themselves by drinking to excess.

They have it in Wales too 3T

How does it work?  Who gets the extra money?  The manufacturer, the retailer, the pub, the government?

In Scotland the extra revenue goes to the retailer and manufacturer.

Incidentally, Labour opposed it when the Tories proposed the scheme.

It has reduced alcohol sales by 7.7% in Scotland 

So the government rakes in extra in tax too.

The article is a load of "a source says" and "the  government might" 

​​​​​​I'll get exercised about it(or not) if something actually happens

Socialists don't like people having frivolous fun especially if there is even a hint it might be unhealthy. 

It didn't kill them off in Australia. And these days most have converted to "restaurant"/pubs on order to cope with changing trends & survive; so the public are more used to not smoking there. There will probably be minimal change, that recovers in the medium term.


Hopefully they'll include a vaping ban at the same time.

As for the price.  People find the money. They do every booze tax rise.

dave50, unhealthy frivolous fun, more like tax them as they have to much money to waste, they want everyone to live on the breadline, except themselves of course, not unlike the old politburo, booze fags petrol vehicles make the natives restless, foreign holidays will be next to get the magnifying glass. decadence indulgence will be rooted out.

We have had these pubs will die out stories before, when drink driving laws were toughened and when smoking was banned inside pubs. Most survived. Pubs have been good at adapting to changing times and most will continue to survive

"most survived" isn't a line that can go unchallenged.

I can think of at least fifteen that have gone in my town (pop approx 20,000) alone.

Tora, it affects all booze from the supermarket in Scotland.

No promotions allowed like 20% of six bottles of wine or three packs of beer at a discount.

Presbyterian socialists, the joy killers of our time and, coincidentally, the worst politicians.

Why do you think the cross-border roads to English retail areas are so worn out? 😊

do you live near the border doug?

In my immediate area, Prior to the smoking ban, there were 6 pubs, all within a few minutes walk from each other. There is now just the one.

"most survived"?Not up here in Aberdeen hun.I can think about 40 pubs that have closed down in the past twenty years.

No but I cross about once a week for work so can pop into Morrisons at Berwick for essentials and if they're sold out, Tesco just off the M6 north at Carlisle.. 😂

you're welcome to the Cheap Sherbet in England dougie! Surprised the SNP mafia are not setting up border posts!

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