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Typical Embittered Tory....

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Canary42 | 15:14 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | News
45 Answers

..... called for asylum seekers' hotels to be set on fire.

Compassionate Conservatism at work.



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Is she a Tory? 

How do you know she's a Tory? My husband and I have very different political views and don't think we have ever voted same!

so you are happy to pay with hotels full of illegal immigrants, most of which want to kill us. Then I guess you voted for the correct party canary.

this is evil and anybody who agrees with her is filth. by all means disagree with policy and challenge the government but anyone calling for mass violence against these people is a nazi. 

Werent the Nazis anti-semitic Jew haters Untitled?Seems we have thousands of these Nazis marching through our cities every week-end.Strange days in the UK right now.

Violence may be the thing that some will resort to when it is obvious that governments aren't prepared to take effective action to deal with the situation.

The Tories vainly tried Rwanda but Labour have abandoned that & seem to be following an open door policy which will eventually result in disaster - probably worse than anything we have seen so far.

I bet shes in prison faster than these two eho still haven't been prosecuted

the nazis believed in murdering "undesirable" demographics and considered jews to be their principal "undesirable" yes ynna. i fail to see the difference when someone simply applies the same logic to another group of vulnerable people. 

this woman called for hotels full of people to be burned down in order to remove asylum seekers from british society... no "concerns" over immigration can possibly validate such a view and anybody who holds them is a nazi.  

Quite, Webbo. Their behaviour warrants prosecution and a lengthy stretch behind bars but I won't hold my breath. 

Coming off a long flight, tired, stressed, and likely jet lagged, tempers could easily be frayed.

To take them to court you'd need to be prepared to try and explain police officers stamping on people's heads.

I think this case could never see a courtroom because of the egregious behaviour of the police officers involved.


Canary, she might be embittered but she's not a 'typical Tory'.  That's an insult.

she's in prison now.  

So these pro-Hamas marchers we see on our High streets calling for the extermination of Jews are some kind of nice friendly people are they Untitled?

I came off a flight two days ago, having hung around and travelled for a total of around 9 hours, with a 2.5 hour drive home still ahead of me. Thankfully I managed not to break anyone's nose as I came through Customs.

It’s worth bearing in mind what happened to Tyler Kay who reposted Connolly’s words.

The 26-year-old Northampton man received 38 months - and he pleaded guilty as soon as he could, thereby receiving the maximum one third discount.

Given his crime would not have occurred had it not been for Connnolly’s words, and Connolly did not plead guilty at her first hearing, it is hard to see how she could receive a shorter term than him.

However, there may be something exceptional in her personal consequences that, when presented to the court by her lawyer, requires a degree of judicial mercy.

why do people insist on making excuses for this? you don't agree with it do you?

Untitled, it helps to say who you're talking to.  I haven't a clue.

She does seem extreme Untitled,but no more extreme than you Holocaust deniers.

//To take them to court you'd need to be prepared to try and explain police officers stamping on people's heads.//

I might agree sandyRoe if the police had stamped on their heads first , but that's not what we saw- they were punching the policemen and woman before the headstamp occurred.  (Of course the police conduct wasn't acceptable either.)

Are you a Holocaust denier, untitled?

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