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Sentencing Delayed Because His Mum's On Holiday!

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bednobs | 12:16 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | News
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i read an article yesterday about the 12 yo boy whose sentencing for taking part in the riots has has to be delayed, because on his sentencing date, his mum had gone on holiday to ibiza!

I was utterly astounded, seriously what type of mum does that? 



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Link no work - but hey, if you've booked &paid for a holiday & looking forward to it your insurance probably wouldn't cover cancellation just cos your feral kid is in court...

One that doesn't give a monkeys.

I though it might be Rayner's when I first read about it. She seems the "type". 

The mother has been ordered to attend court.  What about this boy's father?  


sort of mum who allows the lad to go out and riot in the first place

I had a grandmother try to consent for a procedure for her grandson. The mother was in Ibiza. You must know you cant consent for your grandchild ?

yes we both did but we agreed I should try it on ( in case no one noticed) - case cancelled

I wonder why his father wasn't there. 

His uncle was there as an appropriate adult. I think the judge is laying it on a bit thick (seems to be a thread running through all these cases) & she should have proceeded with sentencing without the parents present.

(I was "utterly astounded" at the judge's actions not the mum's!)

It's about time parents are held accountable for the behaviour of their minor children

it is possible ( common) that it is a single parent family and the father has lost parental rights ( needs a court order)

I had a case where a great irish footie player 14y had run into a fence. A bit of it had gone on a path between the eyeball and outer bony covering (zygomatic).  ( yes think of pencil in eye but not in eyeball). Dad also  an ex Rugby player ( he will play for Oireland) took charge. Mum said that she was the only one who cd consent as a result of a court order. A fight ensued. Can we think about the lad please? I er interjected,, to no great effect

( cd have been done under s1 of th e Chldren Act - acting in the best interest of the child OR a lad of  this age cd lawfully consent himself)

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really though?  he may well get a custodial sentence

(I was "utterly astounded" at the judge's actions not the mum's!)

NJ can clarify: I wondered if sentencing cd only lawfully take place when the child was surrounded by workers, parents, social workers etc

One that doesn't give a monkeys.

that is why the lad is running wild innit? Jesus think of him living down the road...

I think Jesus was on a bit of a walkabout - didn't have a permanent residence...🤣

"I think the judge is laying it on a bit thick (seems to be a thread running through all these cases) & she should have proceeded with sentencing without the parents present."

Can't be done, dave.

The judge is not only entitled to demand the presence of a parent or guardian, but has a duty to do so. For any child or young person aged under 16 appearing before court there is a statutory requirement that parents/guardians attend during all stages of proceedings, unless the court is satisfied that this would be unreasonable having regard to the circumstances of the case.

Apart from the welfare of the child, one of the reasons for this requirement at sentencing is because the court also has a duty to make a parental bind over or impose a parenting order.

It might also be significant that the offences he plead guilty to took place 3 or 4 days apart. Doesn't say a lot for parental supervision.

But so many older folk bemoan the fact that kids aren't out of the house from dawn to dusk without parental supervision like they were when they were kids - just went home in time for tea. 

Well seems like he doesn't have a 'mum' or a 'dad'.... at least he has an uncle who went to court with him.  

Bearing in mind Judge's information we perhaps need to ask. Was his mother informed that she needed to attend, was she  aware that there was indeed a court case pending? If the answer to either of those questions is no, then who was responsible for relaying the legalities.  

the law is a ass

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