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Doubt S2TK will care though, I suspect he just sees them as more labour voters.

yep I think the firesides are bang on. We need to stop this idiocy and sort it. Even if it means riding roughshod over the trobiscites and money grubbing lawyers. And For FS will someone please stop the RNLI and border farce ferry service.

A concise and clearly argued point there, Tora. 🙄

How much loot have we wasted trying to get French cooperation? It beggars belief that we have such fools to govern us. I would prefer Trump!

I wonder how much support the RNLI has lost through acting as a free ferry service?

Well they lost ours Naomi. The SO was cancelled a while back. THe begging letters and messages keep coming though. 

Never trust les grenouilles   ...   They are also insisting that all illegals should be able to apply for asylum in the UK from anywhere in the EEyoo! Next step being they will be granting the illegals right of entry here, without there being any requirement for us to be involved, and the HR courts will no doubt insist it is legal. They would try to saddle us with every illegal migrant that they allow in.   

Very easy to disagree. It is a clear case of denial in order to blame someone else for their own failure. Blaming the victim is usually frowned upon.


Whatever the welfare system is on this side of the Channel, that is this nation's choice. It does not excuse illegal activity. One might compare it to owning a large house and grounds, then being told, when someone breaks in and steals, that it's your own fault for owning nice things, it only attracts thieves. And the police & courts need not do anything about it.


The responsibility not to let illegals pass through their country and launch unworthy craft in order to invade their neighbour's nation is totally with that nation across the Channel from us.  You should not support their ridiculous attempts to pass on that responsibility.

europe let these illegals into europe, and did nothing to deport them, yet blame us for there open doors.

Can someone please tell me who or what the following are:-




Thank you

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Hard To Disagree With The French Here

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