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What Happened To The Clarity In News "Rule"....

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ToraToraTora | 11:14 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Editor's Blog
24 Answers

It seems only to apply to some of us.

I do actually agree with both these but the headings are very cryptic, I get pulled up all the time over the slightest thing.



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TTT is absolutely right here.
11:42 Thu 05th Sep 2024
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"to enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific"

TTT, Those posts are not written in the gobbledegook you come out with.  I understood them, you understood them and so did everyone else - and that's what matters.  You're coming across as petulant.  Stop being a pain in the proverbials.

I agree - there was one the other day with the heading "Daily Mail". What The Funicular?

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I thought the first one was about a punch and judy show.

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11:20 not from me.

But you read on and now you don't.

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naomi: "I understood them, you understood them and so did everyone else - and that's what matters. " - not from the heading. Mine are all 100% clear, people just pretend to be thicj to make a point.

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all I ask is consitency it seems some posters can post whatg they like and the rest of us have to objet the rules.

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TTT, when you type in silly rhyming slang or made up acronyms people don't pretend to be thick.  They haven't a clue what you're talking about - and that's the truth.  

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Ok so I can use the heading "thats the way to do it" or "Look out" can I?

Yes, as long as your post is clear.  That's all the spare Ed is trying to achieve.  Everyone should be able to underatand what an OP is about.  That's just a simple courtesy.

Just wondering, why has this now come about since the Left were voted in?  No one seemed to care what Sunak or any other Conservatives were called before.

TTT is absolutely right here.

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here's another one:

I thought abbreviations and nicknames were not allowed.

Will no one try to make Gully behave?

-- answer removed --

good morning 

this is a very whingy post


TTT, I can't speak for other mods but I would say 'Nimby' is a well-known acronym and not vague at all.  I'm swiftly coming to the conclusion that you would prefer the iron fist to moderate posts with no room for a bit of leeway.  Would you?

i think tora tora tora is being reasonable! that should tell you something!!

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