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And Even More Brexit Misery.

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | News
34 Answers

Britons heading for France and other EU Countries can expect to be fingerprinted and face long Border Queues ,thanks to Brexit.They will also have their photograph taken as they leave UK or on arrival in the EU.These new requirements are expected to see huge queues and delays. I hope those that spend hours in these  queues are not Brexiteers.



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You hope that innocent remainers spend hours in these queues?

Well, that's not very friendly of you.

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If Britain had remained in the EU Brits heading for the Continent would not have been subject to these new rules and Queues.

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While commenting on Brexit .Economists have warned  that Brexit has  dealt a multi-million pound blow to UK trade.

I think you have mentioned this before.

@JTH he and Tora spend their entire life on repeat, jst from opposite ends of the scale.

And neither of them have anything new, or constructive, to say.

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Brexiteers were led to believe  Brexit would enable Britain to take back control of it's own Borders also !. But under the outgoing Tory Govt ... Since quitting the EU. Migration to the UK hit a new record.So the politician that told you Brexiteers to vote for him so you could take back control was telling LIES as usual.

I think you have mentioned that before, too.

Gulliver, if you're going to post in News it's advisable to find some news to post.  All you do is regurgitate the same old stuff over and over.  This from almost a year ago.



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JTH 11.07 "And neither of them have anything new or constructive to say" Wrong again ...These are NEW rules to be introduced in the coming weeks. That were not expected when you voted get OUT of the EU . Now you have to join long queues to get back IN to the EU.

See naomi's link.......old news, gulliver1, old news.

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Naomi 11.23 Wrong! I am quoting from a news article from today. It is news Now because it is Now coming into Fruition..

It's not news to the Guardian.  They told us about it nine months ago.  

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Naomi 11.34 " It's not news to the Guardian. They told us about it nine months ago"..It Still is news to The Evening Standard .They told us about it yesterday.

Anything to fill the pages but you're stuck in a timewarp, gulliver, still year after year regurgitating the same old rubbish over and over.   

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It just feel sorry for those poor brexiteers waiting in those queues  who were not told the truth about Brexit and  listened to the lies told by the politicians who will not be in those queues.

Only Britons? Right oh! well I'll go to the foot of our stairs.

You have said that before, too.

You have no real sympathy, you just like to moan and complain about Brexit.


Do you never make a trip back to the Uk, gulliver ? If so, mention your name and see if they'll just give you a fast pass. (Don't tell them you didn't even vote in the referendum though).

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Getting back to my post after an attempted derailment by the usual suspects .These border queues are only expected when the system is first introduced and likely to speed things up when it is up and going they say.

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