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The Debate Between The Presidential Candidates...

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sandyRoe | 16:05 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | News
5 Answers the USA is to be televised.

When will it happen and can we watch it live here in the UK?



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Channel 4 1.30am Tuesday night/Wednesday morning
16:07 Sun 08th Sep 2024

Channel 4 1.30am Tuesday night/Wednesday morning

If Kamala overcomes the Donald she could be on her way to the big house - as boss.  However, if the Donald scores big hits she will be shredded.  This will be interesting and the debate will be a game changer.

"....the debate will be a game changer."

Which illustrates the fickle nature of the US electorate (and, to a similar degree, that of the UK as well).

Wow, I agree with NJ for once.

NJ returns to bed to recover from the shock!  🤣

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