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Censorship In Britain Under Labour

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Khandro | 10:50 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | News
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Is Michel Houellebecq's French satire, fast becoming a reality in the UK under the present administration?



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" Lee Dunn, 51, on the other hand, got eight weeks for sharing three images of Asian-looking men with captions such as ‘Coming to a town near you’." - frightening.

Yes, it's a reality - but it's not new.

what I can't fathom is, why do the leftists love Islam? They are more right wing than the nazis.

'Prosecutor George Shelley said Dunn had posted three separate images. The first one showed a group of men, Asian in appearance, at Egremont crab fair 2025, with the caption: "Coming to a town near you." 
The second also showed a group of men, Asian in appearance leaving a boat on to Whitehaven beach. This, said Mr Shelley, had the caption "When it's on your turf, then what?" A final image showed a group of men, again Asian in appearance, wielding knives in front of the Palace of Westminster. There was also a crying white child in a Union flag T-shirt. This was also captioned, said Mr Shelley, with the wording: "Coming to a town near you."'

Virtue signalling.  They don't understand Islam and never take the trouble to investigate, preferring instead to portray themselves as anti-racist and never realising that they are regarded by those they're championing as useful idiots.  

What I can't fathom is why do the radicalisd right talk such rubbish.

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gulliver //What I can't fathom is why do the radicalisd right talk such rubbish.//

Who and what ? 

12.40 that was in reply to 11.56

"12.40 that was in reply to 11.56"

OK, I've a quiet day today, so I'll bite: 

What, in the post at 11:56, makes it appear to be from a member of the "radicalised right"?

12:50 school boy error judge, never engage with an idiot, they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience! 😁

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