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Ban On Junk Food Ads

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Old_Geezer | 08:40 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | News
38 Answers

I wondered what counts as junk food given the government plans. Thankfully the BBC provides the answer.


🙂 I'm sure it would've taken less space listing what isn't junk.  Water, meat, fresh vegetables, err... that's it !



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starmer the puritan, i dont don't eat and neither will you, goes for pub garden smoking ban, next will be a ban for x age not using social media sites, next he will come after booze fags and ban the lot, then shute down non conforming media outlets including tv news channels, gbn will be the first to get axed. totalitarian state in the making.

I notice a fair few comments elsewhere about kids not really watching TV any more showing that, as usual, politicians are behind the times with their lame, limp-wristed actions.

^ 'tis true about teenagers, TV and radio are so 20th century. It's TikTok, Youtube shorts etc where they get most of their  'news' and entertainment and where the adverts are seen

last time I was on a junk we had fish🤣

The relevant legislation was introduced by the Tories and they said the restrictions would be introduced  from October 1st 2025.

I read somewhere that anything with a barcode is junk food

What are breakfasts to consist of if porridge is frowned on?

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The legislation is a bit strange anyway given that the kids don't do the weekly shop, nor treat everyone to a junk food meal.

Eggs, spinach, sour dough bread, tomatoes...

TCL, how is this high in fat, sugar, salt?

og, it's the pester factor.  Kids see it in a TV advert, and they want it.

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Kids want lots of things. It's a parent's responsibility to teach them what the word, "No" means. My generation didn't get to call the shots as kids.

I don't think I actually CHOSE a meal until I was in my 20s. I ate whatever my mum or the school dinner lady put in front of me.

Personally I don't think it will make much difference. Eating junk is a way of life for many.  

BARRY, as I understand it, there isn't a blanket ban in every product within a category such as the one including porridge.

Products are given a score using the "nutrient profiling model" (NPM) and that determines whether that specific product is HFSS or no.

I have no idea what the score for the specific product you identified would be but I believe the manufacturers will calculate it and retailers are expected to ensure that information is accurate.



Junk food is the norm for a lot of people.  Shoving a shop-bought pizza in the oven or some frozen chips is easier than cooking.  Banning advertising won't teach cooking skills.

Ban Junk Food Advertising  - no Way !!!


How else would  know when Mcdonalds are bring back the Quarter Pound Deluxe burger?? Eh ??

Not that I frquent such an establishmnet very often, ahem .

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