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Scottish Secretary Labour Mp Makes Abusive Remarks About Larry The Downing Street Cat

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gordiescotland1 | 21:18 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | News
5 Answers

How rude.
Larry is exceptionally popular both in the UK and internationally and fans on his facebook page with thousands of followers are outraged. 
I think he should be made to apologise to the House, and of course publicly apologise to Larry with a packet of Dreamies !!
I may be bias because I have a 12 year old cat I have had since she was a kitten, my third cat in my life. Could this be a political catastrophe?!



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It might be rude but I am sure Larry will think it's a compliment.  Cats are contrary animals.

The house at No 10 is Larry's house, the people are merely his staff.

Political suicide.  Even if the MP thought such things it's foolish to malign a national treasure.


How dare anyone say anything bad about the cat! 
To Boris: of course the cat will have a go if someone nicks his food. Wouldn't you?

I love all cats. I just hope Larry doesn't feel like he's being usurped.

Doesn't he realise that politicians aren't meant to tell the truth ? He won't last. 

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