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Labour Should Kill Off The Daft Plan For A Government Football Regulator

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Gromit | 15:55 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | News
20 Answers

Though the Englush FA are a bunch of useless old duffers, the last thing that should replace its roles is a Government Committee. Kilk the plan now.



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So that's one of the first priorities for the labour party is it? Astounding!!!

Personally I'm unqualified to form a considered opinion, but I'm unsure what the fuss is about. Don't all industries have to work within a government legislated framework ? What's the big issues for both sides here ?

What does the government know about paying otherwise unemployable dimwits vast sums of money to do rudimentary stuff for a few hours a week and pretend it's rocket science?

Oh, hang on...

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I don't understand it either. How can they 'ensure their financial sustainability'?

Why on earth would the govt. even think of involving itself in an autonomous sport? There are hundreds/thousands of independent sports clubs.  Should the Govt.regulate athletics clubs? Most have a couple of hundred members max?

It's amazing that such profligate businesses built around what is essentially a playground game would even be considered as worth valuable time of elected folks and mind-boggling that one of the most corrupt and unaccountable organisations on the planet might be given leave to add their two bobsworth.

Football ain't special and clubs must be allowed to manage their own finances, taking responsibility for the outcome.

Absolutely agree gromit,  the FA are a bunch of useless duffers as you say and the last thing we need is to add another layer of even more useless duffers to compound the inneffectuality. Government has better things to do than get involved in sport.


Though the Englush FA are a bunch of useless old duffers, - so yes they need a regulator

they were th eones that got a lobb on when ENglish players played with red poppies - innit?

naomi 16.53 - yes, on reflection I think you are right.  Especially football, all those young, impressionable minds to be warped into their way of seeing things.

Jourdain, I think they plan to control pretty much every aspect of life.

At least my team Aberdeen are trying to drive a wedge between the Old Firm.Between the Zs and the Ps.Dont ask.

I think they plan to control pretty much every aspect of life

it was a Tory bill that ran out of time, Naomi. I'm surprised you didn't protest at the time.

I understand UEFA have resisted it, and will ban England's participation in European competitions if it is implemented.

Of course its about control, labour or Tino all part of the WEF plan.

I might have protested at the time, Jno - if I'd been aware of it.

Could face a ban, not will be banned.


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