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So Hugh Edwards Is A Sex Offender

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DTCwordfan | 13:07 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
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and only six months suspended for 2 years ....and 7 years on the register

great may be the fall but Joe Public wouldn't get that leniency....

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Is the man who sent the images to  him in gaol?
13:11 Mon 16th Sep 2024

Anyway it's dealt with now - he'll probably shuffle off into a comfortable, private retierment and bother no one again.

(Unless he has a "Profumo" moment & becomes a campaigner of some sort.)

Sentencing remarks are here if anyone is interested:-

By viewing such images he is partly responsible for creating a market for them, and as such is "encouraging" others to do the abuse. This is not a victimless crime and in my view the penalty should be raised 

Interesting read, thank you, Barmaid

//good job he didn't riot about Islamification and the illegal invasion he'd have got 2 years!//

Corrected that for you Tora.

No Mozz, some were sent down for 'mouthing off'.



I do happen to think  this sentence is about right, I would have liked to have seen say a month in Jail (as I would for all these suspended sentences) to to show them what it would be like.

"By viewing such images he is partly responsible for creating a market for them, and as such is "encouraging" others to do the abuse. This is not a victimless crime and in my view the penalty should be raised"

Well said, Rosetta.  My view also. 

As for the comment by Maydup at 15.38 that he is

"not dangerous enough to be locked up",

how can you possibly know that?  Men who show interest in such child abuse images are showing their complete disregard for the rights, the dignity or the safety of the child. I would not trust such a man anywhere near a child.  In my view, he is most definitely "dangerous enough to be locked up".  

but your view and maydup's view don't matter.  it's the view of the person who has all the evidence in frnt of them

Oh my doesn't he look cheesed off.  Hurrah!

oh dear mozz, sorry me old china even mouthing off gets you a flowery these days.

Uncomfortably close to say that by buying a pair of shoes you are responsible for the retailer/wholesaler having bought & sold goods made by forced labour. One wonders where a buck should stop. It does seem, however, that keeping them is a factor when it comes to pictures ?

There's something wrong with a justice system that sends people to jail for shouting at police, but doesn't send convicted paedophiles and wannabe paedophiles to jail for sharing images of children being raped.

To say Joe Public wouldn't get such a lenient sentence isn't true

I've already said the man who sent him the images got a suspended sentence; so did this teacher in today's paper who had sex with a pupil

Teacher at £44,000-a-year boarding school who had sex with a teenage pupil is banned for life via

(Unless he has a "Profumo" moment & becomes a campaigner of some sort.)

Ay dont know what a Profumo moment is. Later on - - much later on, Profumo's chat up like for the ladies was

" have you been to bed with someone over seventy? I can recommend it , you know"

Teacher at £44,000-a-year boarding school who had sex with a teenage pupil is banned for life

no one is saying Huw screwed his computer screen

Only you thought of that, PP

Suspended sentence.  A complete joke.

I can't understand folk who say he's no danger to children - he has created a demand for such pictures, some *** will create the supply by harming children. He is equally culpable IMHO.

I just wonder about men who get their kicks by viewing children been raped (child porn is a misnomer...these kids didnt consent, its rape)

Ive been sent to prison for less.


Spent the day with my 3 yr old grandaughter yesterday. The thought of anyone looking at her in a sexual way would see me doing a life sentence for effing murder!

And this creep gets to go home!!

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