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Abuse Of Blue Badge?

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barry1010 | 08:09 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
34 Answers

I was chatting to a couple at the hospital yesterday morning.  He was in his own wheelchair and they said they had been at the hospital since 7:30 and had breakfast in the restaurant.  There appointment was at 4pm.

They said they always arrived at 7:30, whatever time their appointment was to ensure a parking space in a disabled bay.

They also said they were just off to catch the bus (there are many bus stops within the hospital grounds) to the local very large shopping centre to spend the day there - it's a ten minute bus ride and the bus runs every 20 minutes.

This shopping centre has 10000 parking spaces and plenty of disabled parking spaces, I have never had a problem finding a disabled space.  I asked why they didn't park at the shopping centre an hour before their appointment and catch the bus (it's free parking) and they said that it wasn't secure, they always parked at the hospital when they went shopping because there are barriers.  They can always get a space, even in the Christmas run up.

I was flabbergasted but they assured me they are not the only ones to do it.  Parking at the hospital is expensive but free for disabled. 

I have never been able to park in a disabled space at the hospital, now I know why. 

We often hear of able bodied people abusing the blue badge and disabled parking spaces; first time I've heard of a disabled person abusing the system.

Have you come across anything like this - or do you use your blue badge in a similar way?



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An abuse but not illegal apparently. Maybe they should be required to provide proof of their hospital appt (letter) alongside the badge. Damn savages...

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At the hospital you only have to hold the blue badge up to the windscreen so the car park operator can see it via camera for the barrier to rise so you can drive out without paying.  

The world just refuses to fall into line.

I'm picturing someone who licks their pencil before writing in  tiny flip-over notepad.

And I'm amazed they even know the internet exists Doug.

Before you know it they will be complaing about some trivial matter.

Oh Lord, what is the world coming becoming

The shopping carpark isn't any more secure for other shoppers either. Smacks of a narcissistic personality disorder.

I was visiting somebody in hospital during he summer and that hospital was in precisely the same situation - a five minute bus ride from a very large shopping centre, with buses between the two every few minutes (three routes).

Parking at the hospital was hopelessly inadequate and I quickly discovered that many people - visitors and out-patients - did precisely the opposite. They parked in the shopping centre near to the bus station and took the bus to the hospital. Parking was free and easy (the bus station is away from the main entrances to the shops and so parking in that area is less popular).

Anarchy, yes, anarchy.

The trials and tribulations of common folk are a joke these days.

Rise up, grab your walking aids and revolt!

Release your colostomy bags, show society just how *** off you are

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ozzy, it's not trivial when I have a disabled passenger with Alzheimer's that I need to get to the hospital.  Can't get him out of the car in a standard space, can't leave him in the middle of a car park while I park the car.  That is why I usually opt for a taxi for his appointments unless it is an early appointment - and that is not fun, not all taxi drivers are patient and understanding.


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NJ, that's exactly what I do when I'm attending the hospital on my own.  The shopping centre cottoned on some time ago and the car parks near the bus station (in the shopping centre's grounds) are now limited to 2 hours parking so it's a bit of a trek from the other car parks but still a good solution.

Our hospital limits parking for disabled to four hours.

I suggest you let the hospital authority know what is happening. Perhaps they need to tighten up their procedures to stop the abuse.

Bit naughty!! All our hospitals limit Blue Badge parking to 3 hours.

The hospital should get BPA in 😊        


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When my wife has to go for one of her conditions she is there for at least four hours, the longest was six hours.  

She has to wait to be weighed, then for blood pressure, another wait for blood tests then a very long wait to see the consultant for the results. Another wait for her prescription. She uses the bus.


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I'll email PALS, Hopkirk.  They've been very helpful in the past

According to the rules as at July 2024 stipulate the maximum number of hours for blue badge holders in a disabled bay at a hospital = 4 hours.

My local hospital allows 4 hours free

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Thanks Clementino, I'll raise that in the email. I've just checked my hospital trust's website and there is no mention of a time limit for disabled parking 

Sounds like that isn't going to cover some needs. Maybe they need a ticketing system where start and end times are entered at the desk so the stay relates to the treatment. Perhaps they could use that for all parking, not just blue badge.

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Have you got a link to that? 

we use slump and dump

A blood test at the Christie is around 5  hours... so I get dropped and the car roars off, and then I make the way back by public transport

The driver doesnt need to wait around for 5 h  - I am surrounded by shocked spouses or bewildered adult children

Infusion, since I had a reaction, is around 4 to  6 hrs, and earns two journeys. I am too drugged to get on a bus

so a treatment week is ( atleast) two days out of the seven er just being treated. Better than being an inpatient

we all have our coping strategies - Oh I got filmed once. Luckily I was tiddly and cdnt walk. 


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