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Dale Vince Getting Involved In Childrens Diets

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webbo3 | 09:52 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | News
5 Answers

I wonder if he will bung the government some mone4y to do this?



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all part of the Neo Fascist movement. Think what we tell you to think and and now eat what we tell you to eat.

He's just trying to further his own business interests.

He should go shove his fad diet demands into his pot and stew them. Perhaps he'd be happier supporting the Greens, or similar.


I recall primary school dinners and, apart from cold meat slices, there was nothing in the main course fit to eat on those days some fool decided they couldn't be bothered to cook, as they were employed to do, and dished up raw vegetation instead for a laugh. I also recall evil dinner "ladies" trying to force me to eat that muck, without success.

Can't stand him.  I'd like to throttle him with that scarf he always wears

Eco loons tend not to register with me, never heard of him.

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