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B B C 2 Labour Conference......p M Key Note Speech Coming Up....who's Watching?

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ToraToraTora | 13:55 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | News
13 Answers

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Sorry, I'm washing my hair.

Sorry,im watching paint dry.

Only those boringly obsessed with the current political stage...which I'm not.

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^^^^ know your enemy, TGM and TGL taught us that.

I'll watch the news later and read about it tomorrow.  

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First thing I noticed, about 1 minute in the camera looked at GOAS and she had her best sneering look down nose face on. Next to her Yvette Cooper and Robber Reeves clearly got the memo to put on the admiring school girl face. Perhaps GOAS does have a plan.....

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"Country first, party second" - right oh, when do I get my new Saville Row Whistle?

Those three haven't by any chance got a cauldron tucked under a chair, have they TTT?

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still talking about their imagined "£22bn black hole" - gawd 2TK how long are you going to flagelate that late Equine?

Has he really just said the rioters in Southport etc were telling people who were born and bred and worked here to "go back home"

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Interesting, he's going after "tax avoiders" not evaders!

Sounds like lefty speak for making the pips squeak!

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He'll never "let a minority of violent racist thugs terrorise our communities"

But he will turn a blind eye to muslim grooming gangs and sharia courts.

Watched a bit in between putting my roast on.  Turned it off though as soon as he mentioned that he use to run a public business.  Fed up hearing about that especially after the mess ups it has made.

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B B C 2 Labour Conference......p M Key Note Speech Coming Up....who's Watching?

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