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Phillip Schofield To Return To Tv

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naomi24 | 10:53 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers

//Phillip Schofield is returning to television 16 months after quitting This Morning over what he called an “unwise, but not illegal” affair.

The 62-year-old, who stepped down from presenting the ITV daytime show in May 2023 after 21 years, will appear in a Channel 5 special called Cast Away, which follows a celebrity stranded on an island off the coast of Madagascar for nearly two weeks.//


A welcome return - or not?



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Prepare for a lot of self-justification and wild swings between being humble and self-regarding.

I feel so sorry for his wife and daughters, I really do.

What jth said.

Good to have a different old queen on Channel 5 for a change.

Not, his only true ambition is to be seen and heard by the general public, irrespective of what they want.

He won't be on my TV. Vile man

Nor mine, he has joined the ever increasing number of so called celebraties who think what they say and do is of the utmost importance.

I shan't be watching, but I suspect the viewing figures will please Channel 5.

Could there be a Bargain Loving Phill In The Sun like 8 Out Of Ten Cats Does Countdown?

Our hero now living in a small caravan parked somewhere hot.

He's surrounded by framed photos from the glory days and a voiceover by Alan Carr completes the setup.

Not welcome by me. Apart from his inexcusable behaviour towards his family he has made me retch ever since that webuyanycar ad (?) wher he was on his back doing bicycle moves in the air in black tights. Bleurrghhh, total creep

his only true ambition is to be seen and heard by the general public, irrespective of what they want.

Mick ( Jagger) McCartney, Prince Harry, - I wd even say Meghan. It is what being a celeb is all about innit?

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