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Another Donation For Starmer

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gramps85 | 15:25 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | News
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Yet another donation has come to light, I wonder how many more, he, or members of his Cabinet will surface over the coming days, months?



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Private Eye's new cover on gifts is spot on.....



one photo of Keir Jong-Un with the caption of 'Starmer looks ahead' - a photo of Keir putting on his new specs - bubble 1 'I don't lack vision' and bubble 2, 'Thanks for the free glasses'.

People are upset that Starmer accepted free designer glasses, but have no qualms with Boris accepting a £1 million bung – I don’t think Starmer is the one exhibiting hypocrisy here.

From the current issue of Private Eye:-


£355 – Price of some Oasis tickets, prompting Keir Starmer to pledge availability at a price ‘people can actually afford’


£8,750 – Minimum price per game of hospitality box Keir Starmer was offered use of by Arsenal FC

Hymie, don't believe anything Starmer pledges. In 2019 he promised the labour government will compensate service personnel who were exposed to nuclear radiation. This has not been mentioned since, meanwhile those of us who were exposed are dying which suits him fine. Very soon we'll all be gone and it won't have cost a penny.

The millions the cons ripped the taxpayer of with dodgy dealings seems to have been forgotten

No, it hasn't been forgotten but we're constantly being told how much better the Labour Government is when in reality they're just as crooked.

johnk, I don't think any of it has been forgotten.  It's just showing that these probably wont be much different.  

You just don't get it do you Hymie.


Starmer promised a " crackdown on cronyism..." and was extremely vocal when in opposition, and yet is quite happy to accept all of these gifts from a crony.


In the sceme of things I don't really care about all the freebies he's happily accepting, but what I do care about is that he's a complete hypocrite and cannot therefore be trusted.

Hymie, what about Starmer on TV tellling us all to do the right thing during covid lockdown and the interview was from Lord Alli's penthouse and not from his own home when it should have beenand he was making out that it was.  

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I think shedman at 8.25 is correct.  It isn't about who took what amount, it's about integrity.  Starmer and Co. spent years in opposistion condeming Johnson for his freebies, and pledging that he would clean up politics.  While he was making these pledges he was accepting freebies.  It should also be remembered that it's not just Starmer who has been accepting freebies, but nearly every member of his cabinet have also enjoyed receiving them.

Its not so much about the amount but rather the sheer hypocrisy of the man.  How many more revelations are there to come?

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Sorry I was refering to deskdiaries post, but shedman is also correct with Starmers deciet in making out he was at his own house.

The left has long known that starmer cannot be trusted... he abandoned the pledges he made in order to become labour leader. as usual they were right. 


The Tories didn't wait for donations they just trousered tax payers money.

Indeed untitled.


When Starmer was having a go at Sunak two months before the GE about the idea the Tories would scrap the WFA, to any observer it was tacit that he would not, and yet was one of the first things he did. Blaming it on the supposed "black hole" was completely disingenuous.

There are 100 rooms in Downing Street, surely one could have been set aside for his son. 

What I find funny is the labour voters on here trying to twist it to Johnson.  Why cant they see how hypocritical this is?


What I find funny is the Tory voters on here trying to twist the last fourteen years of incompetence and trying to deny the huge black hole of debt the Tories  left behind and blame Starmer Why can't they see how hypocritical this is .                                                                              tory scum.










Back to sensible answers now. Cashier....wasn't this done during June which was before the election, so Keir wasn't in number 10 then.

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