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Only 8 Years For These Savages, What Is Going On?

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ToraToraTora | 13:05 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | News
12 Answers

scum should never see the light of day again.



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The usual Life that isnt life.

I agree the key should be thrown away.

Too many do gooders in this Country.

They may not.  They have been sentenced at HM Pleasure and 8 years is the minimum term they must serve before being eligible for release.

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They'll be out as soon as they are elligible, the trobiscites will see to that.

I don't understand some of the sentencing these days at all.

' Life with a minimum of 16 years' 

How can that be called a life sentence?😞

//and 8 years is the minimum term //

Yes, but do you honestly believe (unless they murder someone whilst in custody) they will serve a day longer in the current climate?

I do. There are many people in prison long after their minimum sentences.

I imagine they will be out in 8 yars, as were Venables and Thomson.

Tora, what are trobiscites?

I note that middle management seem to be expanding their fiedom, taking on a more editorial role in the day-to-day.

At least twice today already.

Yes, it's a damned disgrace that experts, so often wrong in their musings, sway the judicial system.

Thompson and Venables for this generation.

//There are many people in prison long after their minimum sentences.//

Yes, but generally becasue they committed crimes in jail.  Also how many of those were convicted as non adults?

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Only 8 Years For These Savages, What Is Going On?

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