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ToraToraTora | 09:13 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | News
6 Answers

I wonder if Hezbollah realised that Hamas was in effect wiping them out by the Oct 7th attrocities. Ok so they had a win on the day, got their rocks off on rape, torture and murder. Congrats you've basically done the world a favour.

Israel are now the rentokil for a grateful world.



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I thought this thread might be some suggestions re gulliver1 🤣

Yet another time I  was close to losing a post because of thread removal. There ought to be a better way.


Just noticed that. Yet to be confirmed by Hezbollah though.


What is amazing is that the West and it's media are still claiming the virtue signalling suggestion that they want a ceasefire and are therefore encouraging pointless talks. We now hear that the West are very disappointed that Israel is continuing do the job they set out to do. About time they dropped that nonsense.

OG, I left the thread there for a while specifically to give you time to copy your response and re-post it here.

Yes, but I had wandered off and made coffee, and wasn't certain to return this soon. I'm suggesting that this forum website could/should look at changes to avoid such issues. Thanks though.

"yet to be confirmed by Hezbollah though"...i dont think they have the ***** to do so OG.

It is deeply ironic to witness UK pro-Palestine demonstrators accusing Israel of committing war crimes by targeting obvious military sites. Do these individuals not recognize that the beheading of babies, the slaughter and rape of young festival-goers, and the murder of hostages are also war crimes? How can anyone, in their right mind, support such actions?

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