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As The Tories Begin To Arrive At Their Conference.

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gulliver1 | 12:24 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | News
41 Answers

Thersa May and William Hague has warned those would be Tory leaders who are vying to replace Sunak as leader, that they need to acknowledge *The Huge scale of DEFEAT suffered by the Cons* On July 4th this year.And the Tories need to understand how resounding the GE DEFEAT really was and the monumental task it has infront of itself to ever get the Tories back into power again.



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It's laughable that after such a terrible election defeat that the Tories are still divided and refuse to pull together . What Idiots

erm yes but Starmer is doing an excellent job of putting them back by his avarice  greed and love of power ( Rosie D)

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