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Released Prisoners Re Offending......

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ToraToraTora | 08:41 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | News
14 Answers

It seems letting them out with no support etc was not the answer. You've gotta hand it to Labour, they have created the worlds first okey cokey penal system! Genius!



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Well, who'd have thought that ?

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I don't think a lot of thinking was going on OG. They have 3000 Indeterminate prisoners they could have realeased most of them instead of the ones they did.

It was crazy.  If you want to let them out then you must provide the support or of course they will reoffend, many simply doing it to survive.

But of course Sir 2TK needed the space for political prisoners.

My pal is 5 years into a 19 stretch for murder - they could release him tomorrow. He has a home to go to & would resume his life as a productive & law-abiding member of society.

Just sayin'

The lack of prisons, and the level of homelessness are both a result of years of Tory misrule, so you can hardly blame it on Labour.

But, hey ho, I do understand your continuing bitterness at being thrown out so overwhelmingly.     


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... so the murder was just an abberation then was it?

Yes - very drunk he stabbed a bloke who had threatened him just to "warn him off". No intention to kill but obvioulsy hit a artery.

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I partially agree with canary, governements over the last 50 years have neglected to provide prison places. Of course the real problem is the liberalisation of the judiciary, thus no one fears the law anymore. The reason that we have too ,many prisoners is two fold, we are not sending enough to prison and the prisons are like Butlins. If the prisons were harsh fewer would end up there in the long run. Yes it is an oxymoron.

We can blame this on labour Canary, labour let them out without support because they were in a hurry to make space for political prisoners.

They should have done it over a period of months ensuring support was there.  Nothing to do with the Torys, althoug I do agree the Torys should have built more prisons - and filled them.

If they let them out to free up space for new offenders, where are they putting the returners?

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YMB: "We can blame this on labour Canary, labour let them out without support because they were in a hurry to make space for political prisoners." - yes the places situation is an issue but in this case it was politically motivated.

well if you let 10 out but 5 return you free up 5 spaces for new offenders innit...

Lets not forget 12% of prisoners are foreign TTT.

Add to that the number of people being let into the UK clearly the number being jailed will increase with the normal rate of jailing, but then no Government seems to want to address the problems of infrastucture with unfettered immigration (legal or not).  This of course started with labour wanting to rub the Tories noses in it and then ahs continued with the TINO's.

Good question NAomi.

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Released Prisoners Re Offending......

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