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Surgeon Operated With Penknife

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naomi24 | 11:17 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | News
8 Answers

//A surgeon at a crisis-hit NHS trust used a Swiss Army penknife to open up the chest of a patient because he claimed he could not find a sterile scalpel....Prof Graeme Poston, an expert witness on clinical negligence and a former consultant surgeon, told the BBC: “It surprises me and appals me. Firstly, a penknife is not sterile. Secondly it is not an operating instrument. And thirdly all the kit [must have been] there."//



This is frightening!  I can't see that he's been struck off - but I really hope I just missed that bit in this report.



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True story- my brother was working on the roof of a private hospital in Manchester (the one most top footballers attend incidentally) and suddenly he heard shouting below- it was a surgeon asking whether he had a cross-head screwdriver?!  He did, an old one, which he lent him- was apparently doing a hip replacement and couldn't find his (sterile) one!   

Just how sharp was his penknife?

Presumably sharp enough.


Meanwhile, the claim that a scalpel wasn't available, needs investigation. Sounds very strange.

Why wasnt he named?

Total negligence IMHO.  If you really dont have the equipment you stop the procedure.

This is some rent a mouth attention seeking quack trying to make some sort of point. Sounds like a load of old pony to me.

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no one is talking about privatising the NHS canary. Not even your beloved Labour party.

try again

.    .    .    .    .    .        

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