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Another Parole Board Blunder On Its Way ?

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Canary42 | 09:20 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | News
8 Answers

Why don't they want it in public ?  They don't want any witnessess to their total incompetence.      




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Damn savage.....etc

Do you think he should be released?

These things should be in public or where is the scrutiny.  Even more so given some of the cock ups they have made.

And no, he should not be released.  The woman he brutally murdered wont be will she?

I don't think he should be released but as he has already between refused parole six times I wondered why Canary thought it would be 'another blunder'.

Maybe the victim's family doesn't want the parole hearing to be public, that is taken in to account.

The most sickening aspect of his behaviour (apart from the actual murder of course) is that he allowed innocent men to take the blame. I could understand him laying low if no culprit was charged but to ruin other people's lives is beyond the pale. Keep him locked up. 

Well only Canary can confirmm what he meant but I took it to mean there have been some high profile 'blunders' recently so one has to wonder if the reson for  closed shop is to hide something.

Personally I dont think the victims familly should be able to make such a decision: too emotionally involved.

Nobody's to blame, ever, for anything involving shady or hooky police.

All misunderstanding and whoopsie.

Make you heave.

Move on there Douglas, nothing to see here.  Mind how you go.

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