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Motor Insurance - Damage/Theft Cover Only

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Arrods | 10:15 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | Insurance
8 Answers

I decided to SORN one of our cars.  As I'd not long renewed the insurance cover, I asked my insurer to amend the policy to exclude TP risks, hoping for a partial refund.  The computer said no.  Only option was to cancel the cover in order to get any refund.

I'm long out of the business, but back in the day it was a simple matter to exclude the TP risks temporarily.  I'd imagine it's still common practice for owners of classic cars, but I was surprised that my insurer at least wasn't able to do it in my case.

Does anyone have any experience of this - i.e. is this now 'standard' practice?  Thanks.



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10:19 Thu 03rd Oct 2024

SORN insurance is available

You cannot exclude TP risks that is most of the point with car insurance.

If it's in a garage could you list it as a "possession" on your home insurance?

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Thanks davebro.  Vehicles are normally excluded from home insurance and I suspect it'll be harder to add it than to persuade a motor insurer to exclude the TP risks.  I imagine there are more enlightened insurers out there that might accommodate my situation but I've currently got a multi-vehicle policy which I'm not inclined to unravel.  Hopefully, it'll be not too long (I have a cataract issue) before I can get back on the road. 

Have you tried Adrian Flux for a laid up policy?

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Thanks barry1010.  As I say, I'm not inclined to unravel my existing multi-car cover at the moment and, as already suggested, SORN cover seems to be readily available if needs be.  I will make some enquiries, however.

I may also try to escalate the issue with my current insurer, depending on how widespread the practice is.  I've been known to have a go at certain other 'popular' insurers who have started to introduce exclusions that they may deem to be minor, yet could be disastrous for employees using their own cars on business. 

A friend recently got a personal registration number for his camper van - on advising his insurer they said "Oh! - we don't insure campers." Seemingly having accepted his proposal and taking his premium he had been running uninsured for months.

(May have been a multi-cover policy, I'm not sure)

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