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How Many Deaths Of Innocents, Including Many Children,...

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sandyRoe | 13:54 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | News
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...are acceptable to the Israelis if they succeed in killing a middle rank Hamas leader?



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lex talonis - oops forrin - sozza - and even worse ancient forrin

eye for eye

no isnt it and eye for 15 000 eyes -  Netanyahu and amalekites (another commandment in Deuteronomy to “blot out the memory of Amalek,)

In fairness N's press office said this was an obvious reference to Gemany


I guess unless involved you don't know who is sinning and who sinned against.


what you hold up a little mite - his lifeless body ended by a rocket and say - - - "he was the sinner!" - -  righto ! to quote one of the usual suspects.

( I wont represent chortlle noises: it is not seemly)

Yes,the Hamas terrorists certainly opened a can of worms on 7th October.All deaths since then are on their much-bloodied hands.Hell mend them.

Atheist what world do you live in the whole point of terroism is to kill innocents the clue is in the word. 

This is all the result of the Hamas baby beheaders of oct 7th. If Iran had any sense it would exterminate them.

the Hamas baby beheaders of oct 7th.

bit of a long stretch if I might re-use Winston Churchill's phrase

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Keep repeating a lie enough times and some will come to believe it.

"Terrorist" is a word used by one side to describe, demonise, their opponents.

Anyone who says this started on Oct 7th must either be joking or know nothing of Middle East history.

max. I know that terrorists want to strike terror to make up for their lack of brute force - I'm not living in a 'world' in the sense that you seem to suggest. USSR, Hamas, Hezbollah, USA in Iraq, GB over Dresden, Hitler over cities..... And now Israel. Terror and killing leads to terror and killing even by those who claim to be on the side of good.

sandyRoe, keep repeating that and you'll believe it.  This wasn't happening before 7 October.  

No,sandy,we know that,but this latest round of blood-letting was begun by the terrorists on 7th October.Im willing to bet that at least 90% of those killed since then would be still living if this terrorist attack hadnt happened.

Thanks sandyRoe that just proves my point.

ok sandy so obviously you support beheading babies  and burning children in front of their parents before murdering and raping the parents. So what do you think Israel should have done in response to oct 7th? A harshly worded letter? Your terrorist buddies are being exerminated. Israel is doing the world a favour. Most of us rejoice at that.

This is an emotive topic and feelings run high but please watch your language.

I have used no swear words.

My message was for all, TTT.  

What is really needed is for the mad mullahs in Iran to be gone then the terrorist groups money and arms would be cut off, at least in the short term.  Without their support they would not have the means to attack Israel.

hamas and hezbollah are rightly considered to be violent and destructive terrorist organisations because they show no interest in protecting civilian life... we all agree on that.

yet it is deeply hypocritical when people make excuses for the IDF doing exactly the same thing. israel rapes and tortures its detainees, which include children and has done so for years. it fires on peaceful protestors using disfiguring rounds. it invades its neighbours and has frequently committed horrifying massacres on their soil. why aren't they held to the same standard? 

the answer is because many people do not care about arab lives. they're happy for arabs to experience invasion, occupation, rape and torture, massacres and all the rest... but consider these things tragic only when they happen to israelis. that is hypocrisy.

to answer sandy's question... the israelis are willing to kill as many civilians as it takes to kill their targets because they simply don't care about killing civilians. they'd use nukes in lebanon if they thought they could get away with it. the israeli government is morally equivalent to hezbollah and yes to hamas who they supported for years.

Atheist, et al; Has it never occurred to you that all of these casualties & the destruction could have been ended by the Hamas leadership surrendering months ago?

What point do you or they think can be gained from continuing to resist their inevitable demise?

They are scared for their own hides & don't care about the deaths of their own people. In fact in a sick sort of way the more Palestinian children are killed, the more they think it will give support to their Islamist agenda.   

israel does not accept surrender khandro. they fire on people waving white flags. hostage families were protesting outside netanyahu's residence last week because he refuses to negotiate for their release. you can't surrender to someone who doesn't accept surrender.

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