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Reeves Urged To Scrap Free Prescriptions For 60- To 65-Year-Olds

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webbo3 | 09:34 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | News
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Older people in work; those on benefits will still get free prescriptions.  

This from a thread yesterday about nearly everything she has done so far is against the very people she should be helping.  A pensioner must have upset her big time at some point in her life.

"Isn't it the pensioners of today that got this country back on its feet after the second world war and gave people including today's MPs the freedom and money they now have.  If this is the case then why are they trying to kill off pensioners in as many ways that they can think of.  Nearly every day I hear of a new thing that the Chancellor is going to do or thinking of doing that impacts the very people that got this country working again us pensioners.  We are told that we are one of the richest countries in the world yet Labour want to take it out on the people that made it that way."

This would cause yet more damage to the Labour party and reap no financial benefit.  Currently 89% of all prescription items are issued free of charge

I get your point about Labour's attitude to pensioners, Shedman, but there is nobody in this age group claiming state pension. Maybe Labour intends to kill more off before they reach state pension age

almost noboby pays for prescriptions anyway, so this is small change. Clearly just another dig at their target for hatred.

It is the Intergenerational Foundation charity that is pushing for this, not the government.

barry1010, I see your point about the age thing, but many people end up on medication by the time they get to 60 for one reason or another so that would cost them what could be a lot of money if she scraps free prescriptions.  She just seems to have a problem with older people.  Bully them and they can't do much about it type of thing.  Comes across as a rather unpleasant person.

The national health care is supposed to be/claimed to be free at the point of delivery. Consequently all prescriptions should be free (paid for out of the public kitty). To remove even more citizens from getting free treatment is not a politically left leaning thing to do. Quite the reverse. It will not do the party's reputation any good.

One thing I have noticed is Labour MPS Jonathan Reynolds and Lisa Nandy have both said on TV that pensioners will be better off this year and not one of the reporters have asked the question How.  All I have seen is things that will have the opposite effect although I will still get my Christmas bonus.

We certainly will not be better off this year

The upshot of this will be people stop or be unable to afford buying their medicine and end up in hospital, putting an even bigger strain on the system. 

Having read an article in full about this it is clear that the government isn't considering it; a charity is pushing for it. I am confident it won't happen.

Another rant about the government again thats completely false eh?

One lives in hopes.

What about retired people who get state pension but are not eligible for pension credit? Will they have to pay for theirs? Lisa Nandy said pensioners will be better off this year because they are getting hundreds of pounds increase in their pension next year. She doesn't seem to understand that that rise is to cover expenses fron April 2025 to March 2026, not to pay for 2024 early 2025 heating bills.

No they won't. There is no suggestion that any pensioner should pay for prescriptions 

They could align it to State pension age if the moved the State pension age down to 55 to open up job opportunities for those poor souls on unemployment benefit. That could work.


It's becasue most left leaning people think they had it easy and anyway vote Tory apparently (yes we know they dont).

//those on benefits will still get free prescriptions.  //

Ah yes, labours voter base.

are 60  -65year olds old people now?

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