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P&O Ferries Owner Pulls £1Bn Uk Investment After Rayner Attack

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webbo3 | 17:41 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | News
26 Answers,the%20ferry%20company's%20employment%20practices.

Thats a billion lost, how more will big mouth rayner lose us


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So democratically elected politicians should dance to the tune of the unelected Corporates ? canary

Their business, their choice.

That article disappeared behind the paywall before I could read it all.  I can't use NJ's advice for skirting the paywall - I'm on my phone.  Can someone please tell me why they've made this decision?

She attacked their working practices.

The fishwife approach was ok when she was in opposition.

"Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, the DP World boss, will no longer attend the event after Louise Haigh, the Transport Secretary, and Angela Rayner, the Deputy Prime Minister, described P&O as “unscrupulous” and “exploitative” this week.

This relates to the Government’s efforts to strengthen workers’ rights, which includes vowing to close a “legal loophole” that P&O allegedly exploited when sacking almost 800 workers in 2022. "

Welcome to Labour's UK, which the Prime Minister insists is "open for business".

Thanks clone.  

Thanks NJ.  Cross posted.

6.20 - spot on.

Poundland Barbie is a lightweight not fit for Govt. It's 'kind of' OK to ignorantly lob bricks when in opposition but the **** should not do so when in Govt. 


For Ravingmods/TCL's benefit before this post is yanked, the dictionary definition of *** is a disreputable person, so the description is entirely apt.


Someone needs to buy her a copy of 'How to win friends and influence people'.

Merely as a BTW, why does the AB Nanny Filter replace s.k.a.n.k with asterisks?


It is not a swear word. It means disreputable person.

Rayner is stupid, we all know that and she shouldn't be in such a job (but this is Labour). 

Nobody, but nobody, cancels a 1Billion £ plan because of a couple of names. The reasons for the cancelation lie somewhere else & the name-calling is simply an excuse to abort the plan.

maybe it was in the balance and she tipped the scales...

Not so costly for the tax payer though as when the previous, now defeated Tory Govt awarded a £38.8 m Ferry contract to a Company with no

...or the SNP government splurging millions on two ferries...still waiting for them,years overdue,millions over budget,but its only us taxpayers money thats been wasted...

While speaking as a member of the government should encourage one to think carefully of possible consequences, nevertheless a company who sacked nearly 800 seafarers in 2022 in order to replace them with cheaper workers, should expect to take some well deserved flak. Pulling out of the project will not be good for the company so it too should think carefully of possible consequences before having a fit of pique. (And behave in a more ethical manner in future if it wants the approval of civilised nations/citizens.)

Possibly deskdiary because it's usual specific use as an insult to a women for her sex life choices ?

You're  targeting the wrong redhead.

Their business, their choice.

their choice.... for us. and of course their choice will be in our best interest as customers !

like Gates and Musk and Zuckerman -  oh lucky lucky us !

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