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So Will Those Calling Them The "Farage Riots" Now Apologise?

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ToraToraTora | 10:22 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | News
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Who called the the 'Farage Riots'?

Farage is still guilty of repeating this misinformation, TTT. He may not have lit the fire, but he certainly helped fan the flames.

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So he spread the misinformation therefore he was partially responsible

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is there any actual evidence that Farage "fanned the flames"?

Here is asked why the truth was being hidden and why it was not a 'terror' incident

Here they are discussing his video where he states that the 'truth' is being witheld and infers that that it should be a terror incident

"I have to say there are one or two questions. Was this guy being monitored by the security services? Some reports say he was, others less sure.

"The police say it’s a non-terror incident, just as they said the stabbing of an Army Lieutenant Colonel in uniform on the streets of Kent the other day was a non-terror incident. I just wonder whether the truth is being withheld from us.

"I don’t know the answer to that, but I think it is a fair and legitimate question."




Seems resonable to me.

10:36 just read that page, and can still find no-one calling the incident "The Farage Riots", just criticizing him for retweeting false information. That hasn't changed, regardless of the source of the misinformation.

many posters on this website supported the riots. 

I don't think "supported" - maybe understood the reasons behind them...

Most of the 'riots' were not riots

I can't remember who but I've seen the disturbances referred to as the Farage Riots here = and I don't think Mr Farage is wrong in saying the truth is withheld from us.  I believe it is and has been for a long time.

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