Crosswords10 mins ago
New Vaillant Boiler - Help With Set Up Please.
I think The Builder helped me earlier this year when our new boiler was installed. It was all set up and it works quite well and very quiet unlike our old Potterton but just one problem........
When the engineer set it up I asked him to set the temp the same as old boiler ie 72 degrees as we like our flat hot and have the heating on a lot. However I notice that it does not always show 72 when it has reached it's heat and often shows 76 of 80! Does this matter? Is there a setting for this on front of boiler as I see two buttons left and right?
Also they fitted a Center digital timer on wall which I have mastered at last but can you tell me if this will automatically change the clock when clocks go back to Winter time?
Thanks so much
Find and download the manuals for your boiler:
and "digital timer":
Even if the installers left you printed documents I find that having the pdf versions makes it easier to search for information.
It will be C these days - 72 is quite hot (40-80) is a normal range. Whatever the setting it will shut off when the room reaches the thermostat setting but the hotter it is the quicker it will get to that temp & the more "overrun" there will be.
Anyway you got it sorted. Not sure about the time change tho'
Thanks your help davebro - yes I managed to set it for 72 (same as my old Potterton) as we like it hot and have our heating on a lot! Set the water temp at max as my wife likes water nearly boiling! What do you mean by run on - is that it means when occasionally it goes past the 72 setting?
I think I have mastered the Center TStat and know how to change the clock I thinks for Winter time. Engineer whi fited this new boiler said that the time changes automatically via wifi but think that is wrong as the only wifi connection is between the wll control and a little wifi box under boiler! Anyway I am happy with new boiler which is very quiet indeed.
Thanks again
Hello again everyone!
Just one further thing I do not inderstand (otherwise the boiler is working perfectly)
It is set to auto and it goes off at 10pm with the temp at about 25 as we have had it on in evening. Up until a few weeks ago it clicked on at 6.30am as set no probs but recently it does not come on! I know it is a bit warmer of late but what I cannot understand is once it goes off at 10pm I look at readings on Center stat on wall and it shows current temp of say 25 but in above it it shows coming on temp of only 15.5!
What am I doing wrong please. Must I reset the 15.5 to make it say 27 for it to come on?
Sorry to have to ask again.
Thank you
You need to check what required temperature is set for period P1 on the programmable thermostat. By default this set to 21°C (see page 3 of the user guide) but from what you say the setting for the P4 period has been changed from the default of 16°C to 15.5°C and so it is possible that the P1 required temperature has also been changed. In AUTO mode the heating is never actually 'off', the thermostat simply changes the required temperature to different values for each of the 4 periods in the day.
Thanks so mutch for that Etch - understand now. Did not realise I had to change temps as well as times!
Have now changed temps as you said re. p3 of manual. W.e use it on manual in day and have our heating quite hot all day. In the evening I change it to auto and it goes off at 10pm - great.
Last night I saw it was 15.5 and altered the temp manually to 24 and it came on this morning at 5.30 as programmed.
Now that I have reset both P1 and P4 all should be ok. Find the manual difficult to read as kit is so small
Thanks again