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Where Is Europe's Drugs Death Capital ?

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ToraToraTora | 09:59 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | News
4 Answers

....yep you guessed it! Why is the Scottish "government" so bad at dealing with this? Instead of wasting effort on "independence" get a grip on the real problems of your people.



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It's more to do with how deaths are recorded. For instance, if someone dies after crashing a car while on drugs, is is a traffic death or a drug death? I think different countries treat them differently. 

The best little country in the world according to the SNP eejits...aye,for drug deaths and alcohol related deaths.Jesus wept.

//It's more to do with how deaths are recorded.//

It's not only that at all. Scotland has more drug users per capita than any other country in Europe, it's not just about deaths. It more about attitudes to drug use and areas of poverty that haven't been addressed in decades. 

If they can't even organise widening an existing road why would anybody expect them to be able to deal with complex social issues?

Just another drain on resources.

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