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Labour's War On Pensioners Getting Nastier.....

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ToraToraTora | 18:12 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | News
23 Answers

"Actually, that's a daft question. Labour has everything against pensioners. Starting with the fact that they’re the age group least likely to vote for them. It's almost like Labour is punishing them as a result."

"In next week's Budget, she'll go after their capital gains and inheritances, too. These will mostly hit older people for the obvious reason that they've had time to build up more wealth.

Something that Labour appears to view as a moral flaw."

So it's a "moral flaw" to provide for yourself is it? Right oh!



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There are very few pe sioners left after Matt Hancock marched them all off to the care homes during covid me old china. <:•)

notnicebloke - you are such a divvy, try living up to your name.🤣

Pity we can't filter out the dross on this forum.

There is still nearly 13m of us

18.36 pity you cant find another past time/ hobby.

Just before COVID there were 12.5m pensioners, we are an ever increasing population 

I don't think Labour thought-out getting at inheritances. It's not theold folk who'll be affected, it's the next generation down who will get smaller inheritances and remember at the next election.

This current Labour party mess in in a complete shambles.

*is in

pensioners are experiencing the absolute tiniest fraction of the onslaught delivered by the conservatives on disabled people and people in poverty. 

18.54. Would you care to point out  the shambles instead of just saying it. Thanks

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funny how untitled claims not to have voted Labour yet goes in to bat for them all the time!


//18.36 pity you cant find another past time/ hobby.//

You mean a hobby like yours posting dross just to wind people up and reel people in.... just like you did when you got banned as banned user teacake. You and gulliver with his made up  porkies and complete misunderstandings might wind some people up but you're achieving nothing if you think it's helping win people over- in fact I'm convinced you're Tory plants made to look labour supporters look like idiots, which is a shame as there are some good people with real positive ideas and something to contribute on the left.

So you support it untitled or are you against it? Do you believe in punishing pensioners, maybe just to teach them a lesson for standing by as the disabled and poor suffered under the Tories?

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so teacake is Nicebloke, oh dear "banned" not merely suspended. Interesting.

Does this mean she will tax any inheritance, no matter how small?

If only all Westminster MP's took the Chiltern Hundreds and left parliament, allowing the politically active ABers on here to run the country, with the approval of King Charles of course, what would happen to the country?

Which ABers would you want as Prime Minister, and who would you want as Chancellor of The Exchequer?

"...pensioners are experiencing the absolute tiniest fraction of the onslaught delivered by the conservatives on disabled people and people in poverty."

So what are you suggesting - should pensioners be "levelled down" to endure the same level of onslaught you say those two groups have?

I remember Teacake well - I particularly remember him on the NHS when he didn't know the difference between it being free and being free at the point of delivery. Quite how he thought it was paid for is anyones guess.

19.21. Still flogging that dead horse, losing the debate are you. Now having a go at untitled because he/she don't agree. Ha ha haaaaa nevermind lovey

Many pensioners are also sick and disabled 

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