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Are Local Difficulties To Be Expected After The Not Guilty Verdict For The Officer On The Shooting Dead Of Chris Kaba?

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douglas9401 | 20:23 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | News
14 Answers

Hope I didn't use too many characters.



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It's a daft rule.


If a heading isn't immediately clear, I'll click on it to see what it's about. Conversely, if it is clear but is a subject that doesn't interest me, I won't. I'm not tech-savvy enough to know, but doesn't a site like this need clicks?

I think raving-mod is having a turkish, the last attempt was fine.

I bit of rioting wont matter it's fine over a dead drug dealer. It's only those concerned about the invasion of their country that go to jail for 2+ years.

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Now now, roolz is roolz. Otherwise it's anarchy.

Am I a bad person for kowtowing to pressure? Please help.

Posts from the previous thread.


could be The Met's George Floyd moment, maybe?


Mrs JtH and I commented that there will be a suddenly upturn in the number of flat-screen TVs, high-end mobile phones and trainers available in certain parts of London 'no questions asked'.


Locking people up for virtually f hall may help curb the enthusiasm for a bit  more rioting.



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You do the work ethic of the usual suspects an injustice, Clone.


20:00 rioting over a dead drug dealer will be fine. It's only those concerned about the invasion of their country that go to jail for 2+ years

Worst mod AB has ever had.

If there is KS will snuff it out like he did with the last lot of idiots. No messing with KS.

You should never make an obsessive contrarian a prefect. They have no judgement, everything is black and white. Recipe for disaster.

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Or Oreos.

Yes get ready for the rioting, smashing and looting of shops for big flat screen TVs.


A link to a news article was posted with the previous question, so it was clear what it was about. I wouldn't have bothered reposting it.

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THECORBYLOON had other ideas though.

Warden Hodges syndrome TTT. PUT THAT LIGHT OUT!

A chance perhaps for a bit of early shopping with violence for Christmas. 

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Are Local Difficulties To Be Expected After The Not Guilty Verdict For The Officer On The Shooting Dead Of Chris Kaba?

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