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They Just Couldn't Help It Could They.

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gulliver1 | 11:07 Tue 22nd Oct 2024 | News
24 Answers

When James Cleverly was Home Secretary of the now Disgraced, Defunct and Beaten Conservative Govt.He spent £653 per person on in flight catering for him and his cronies on a one -day trip to Rwanda.He also chartered a private jet at  a cost of £165,000 of taxpayers money. You can see where the black hole in the economy handed over to Labour came from with expenses like this.



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Just the inflight catering alone cost the Tax Payer £9,803 . They just couldn't help it could they.

£653 per person for meals on two flights - one there and one back - seems an awful lot of money.  Where did you get that figure, gulliver?

do you have any evidence for this latest fantasy?

gulliver will not do links

I think it's a case of cannot, he does not have the brains.

Gulliver, I posted this on one of your previous rants, and it still stands.

"Gulliver.  If you want to be taken seriously on these pages, why don't you join the up to date world, and discuss things that really affect the lives of normal people, such as Starmer granting illegal immigrants the right to live in this country, the abolishment of winter fuel allowance for pensioners, the reported tax hikes on fuel duty, the early release of prisoners etc etc.  These are the things that matter, not your daily rants on Johnson the Royal Family and now unsubstantiated claims."

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Cleverly also spent £22.324.50 on in flight catering for him and his Cronies when travelling to Japan,New Guinea  and The Solomon Islands,  in July 2023...Just to keep his grubby little blue fingers in the till. ...Can't help it can they.

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Gramps   12.07 So sorry, if my posts reminding people of how much the Now Defunct Disgraced Demolished Tory Party had their grubby little fingers in the Tax payers purse hurts you . But given time you will get over it OK.

"the now Disgraced, Defunct and Beaten Conservative Govt"

Let's hope you and I can stay alive for the next GE when I can say your inflight catering will consist of eating ***.

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These Ministerial trips on the Govts Airbus A321 jet,by Cleverly and his team of Cronies adds up to £561,531 Bet they all had a good  holiday thanks to the taxpayer.

still no source for these figures then, right oh!

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Oh dear.Looks like the usual suspects are whipping the herd in already.

so you just make these figures up then? right oh!

I wonder how much is usually spent on business trips like this.  Do we have anything to compare it to?

Looking at it the problem seems to be that it is the Governments airbus not a commercial flight so the cost is higher as no economy of scale.  What seems to be forgotten is that Labour will have to use it too and the costs will be similar.

The alternative is for them to fly business, but personally I would rather they didnt a) because they are a target and I'd rather not be next to them if the plane is attacked and b) because I wouldnt want my flight held up because of some self righteous person protesting about what (whichever) official is trying to do.

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Chelle 12.07 -12.40 I think TTT is waiting for his saucepan lids to pop round and read your link to him.

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