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Gisèle Pelicot Takes Stand In French Mass Rape Trial

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naomi24 | 14:20 Wed 23rd Oct 2024 | News
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//Gisèle Pelicot, the French woman whose former husband is on trial for drugging and raping her when they were married, and inviting dozens of other men to rape her, took the stand in court on Wednesday.

She told the court in Avignon she wants women who have been raped to know that "it's not for us to have shame - it's for them".

"I want all women who have been raped to say: Madame Pelicot did it, I can too. I don't want them to be ashamed any longer," she said, referring to her request for an open trial and for the videos of the alleged rapes to be shown.//



A brave lady.  A credit to women everywhere.



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The true definition of a 'heroine'.

My heart aches for her but my admiration is boundless.

Yes, she is an incredible woman.

She's astonishing & has shown huge courage.

I'm amazed she can.  She must be broken inside after that and now the trial to re live it.

A real strong woman.

Horrible!  Hasn't something similar been happening repeatedly in England by the Muslim grooming gangs?

She has said she is a completely destroyed woman. 

I have nothing but admiration for her and the dignified stance she has taken.  She is absolutely correct, the shame is not hers.

Yes, khandro.

Men have been raping women since the dawn of time.

Few women, however, had had the strength of character to undergo such a public and high-profile trial and to make sure that the shame lies squarely on the side of the rapist, instead of the victim - something Madame Pelicot has loudly proclaimed.

He admitted to drugging his daughter but when she demanded to know if he had raped her too he looked disgusted and said he would never do something like that.

His daughter has written a book but it is currently only available in French, unfortunately my French is not that good.

Madame is a very brave woman.

She is a voice for all women...young, old, past present and future, any and all nationalities, beliefs or loyalties. A wonderful and incredibly strong woman.

Absolute bravery from the lady. I hope she gets all the closure she needs from the trial. Time to bring back the guillotine France.

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