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The Labour Party & The Donald

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Khandro | 17:19 Wed 23rd Oct 2024 | News
24 Answers

'Starmer continues to peddle the line that Trump trying to sue the Labour party won’t affect his relationship with the former President, though his cabinet’s past (and very public) distain for Trump doesn’t exactly bode well for the special relationship if Trump does get in to the White House. Nor will having Labour MP Stephen Doughty as the Minister for North America…

Doughty has never hidden his feelings on Trump. In an interview with the BBC, he labelled Trump as “racist, incompetent or both” and in 2019, branded him a “racist, sexist, divisive and a liar”, “offensive to civilised values” and that Trump “represents the very worst of the world”.

Tell us how you really feel Stephen. 😄

And then there's "Moron" Lamy (as described by Rod Liddle) as Foreign Minister.

Will the special relationship survive under this government?



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Donald is a bit of a nationalist Khandro,he is also partly Scottish,therefore entitling himself to be a Scottish nationalist,yet the SNP mob on here dont seem to like him,they are the same as him,why arent they endorsing him?

Someone's flying the flag whilst Mr Hughes in on his jollies.


Some of our new overlords seem to have big gobs...

(It didn't matter so much before.)

"he has a long memory"

he's not a very dependable or trustworthy ally anyway. if he wins then the relationship will consist of whatever mood he is experiencing on the day

if push comes to shove they can just lie and say that his tan and hairpiece look convincing. then we'll be his best friends for about 20 minutes until he has the next mood swing

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