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Trump Wanted Generals Like Hitler Had

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Untitled | 22:16 Wed 23rd Oct 2024 | News
66 Answers

according to john kelly who was his chief of staff

kamala harris has called him a fascist who desires unchecked power and a military who is loyal to him and not the country

how refreshing to see a politician call this demented old man what he is! 



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I haven't said I'm supporting him but that aside, I don't know what he said.  I only know what other people claim - and Kamala Harris is hardly likely to miss a trick is she.  

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do you support him then?

If you're asking me, no, it doesn't change my views of Trump at all If you knew your history, you will be aware that Winston Churchill also spoke (in 1935) of his "admiration" for Hitler, and his "courage, perseverance and the vital force that enabled him to overcome all the resistances in his path."   However, like John Kelly, quoting these comments out of context prove nothing- Churchill, like Trump, is not a fascist, and the desperate attempts to paint his as such (ironically by the very people who act like fascists themselves) will ultimately prove counter-productive, and smacks of desperation.

Just goes to show, even a chronic lier and denier can speak the truth on occasion.

Whether I support him or not isn't the issue, untitled.  I just despair at people who are chomping at the bit, eager to jump upon anything -  regardless of truth - that suits their personal agenda - and you appear to be one of them.

Another US mud slinging presidential campaign.

It makes a surprising change when they manage an election without it.


May the least worst candidate win.

Lefties are getting desperate.  Now they have found someone he apparenlty 'groped' in 1993!!

What fortuitous timing these people have eh?

Why wouldn't you support Trump over Kamala Harris?  Back in 2016 Trump was elected as an unapologetic champion of the american people- His policies spurred historic economic growth, job creation, and a resurgence of American manufacturing. Fast forward to today, under four years of the failed Biden-Harris administration, and the US is rocked by raging inflation, open borders, rampant crime, unchecked wokeism, global conflict, chaos and instability.  You'd be a complete idiot to vote for four more years of this.  But hey ho, it's not our choice, it's down to the Americans to choose whoever they want.  

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"you will be aware that Winston Churchill also spoke (in 1935) of his "admiration" for Hitler"

yes and this is widely considered to have been a terrible mistake which churchhill later corrected. trump is saying he admires hitler after the fact. 

"Whether I support him or not isn't the issue, untitled."

i know but i'm interested. you seem a lot more cross with the people drawing attention to this than you do with the person who said it.

I'm not cross, untitled - just a bit sick of people who point the finger at others for telling lies - even though they're quite happy to support any lie that happens to suit their agenda.  

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how do you know that this is a lie?

Why do you support Biden/Harris, untitled?

Tell me what good they have done either for America or the world in general 

I don't know it's a lie, untitled - but I don't know that it's the truth either - and neither do you.  Nevertheless you're more than willing to stick the boot in because it suits you to do so. 

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ask on another thread clone. at the moment you are simply trying to protect your beloved leader from valid criticism

The criticism isn't valid though.  

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as i said naomi you are far more concerned with people criticising donald trump than you are about trump himself. odd behaviour.

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why isn't it valid?

What a clueless coward.

Untitled, Because you don't know that it's true - and according to Clone's link at 9.26, it isn't.


I've told you why I'm concerned.  You don't need to invent reasons.

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