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Slavery Reparations.....

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ToraToraTora | 11:04 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | News
17 Answers

No one alive today was involved in slavery, no one alive today is a victim of slavery. So what's going on? Do they just want us to give random sums to random people?



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I seriously hope he doesn't capitulate to any of them.... but given his recent history I won't hold my breath.

Might it not be a good idea to wait and see what the proposals turn out to be?

More opportunity for taxpayer's cash to be squandered by Labour I suppose.

It is utterly ridiculous. Just a bunch of scammers trying it on. If they act like that perhaps relationships will sour. I think we should be wary of getting too close to any supporting these attempts to grab from others until further elections in their nations return leaders with better moral standards and a dislike of trying to steal from others.


Meanwhile perhaps those wanting to discuss this might want to club together to repay those who made slavery officially unacceptable and who helped give many nations a jump to being a more advanced civilised society.

If he ever capitulates then he may want to site the army permanently in Downing Street, because it would be so over the line that it'd well exceed any poll tax riots, or writing naughty upsetting things on the Net. I've given up hoping that the present government will ever have a clue.

Yes, pay them reparations and then that will be the end of it.

I suggest a fiver each.

Time to disband the Commonwealth I think - it's well past its best before date.

I think it should be on a voluntary basis.Those in the UK who want to pay reparations should do so,those that dont want to pay reparations shouldnt pay reparations.I think the CoE want to pay,so why arent they.Its not rocket science.

Ask these first

Then give us money for this

And the Barbary pirates that raided the west country with a base on Lundy Island in the Bristol channel

And this

\\Another section of Yemitan's Tinubu biography, referred to as the Amadie-Ojo Affair, captures a slave trading deal gone sour in 1853 (notably after the 1852 Treaty abolishing slavery in Lagos) wherein Tinubu tells another slave trader (Domingo Martinez) that "she would rather drown the slaves [20 in number] than sell them at a discount".[26]//

She still has a statue in Lagos

Others have indicated capitulation though. We are struggling to find the money to keep our village church open for the community because of required buiding work yet the wokey Archbishop of Canterbury is apparently planning to give £100m in 'reparations', if he does many will cease to support the church, me included.  If he has £100m then maybe it should go towards helping the living.

If anyone wants to start a collection for these countries,i am willing to throw in 50p to get it off the ground.

Perhaps we could invoice these countries for all the infrastructure, roads, railways and schools we built there?

god the level of argument on this thread just makes me want to go and shoot m yself

in the 1800s, many of those slave owners who were compensated for loss of assets when slavery was abolished, sunk their compensation cash into the then-flourishing rail industry. is there a case for closing the railways and diverting the £20bn a year rail subsidy to former slave nations?

@12.02.How much are you willing to contribute Peter?

Dont let me stop you PP

Are they demanding reparations from the Spanish, Dutch, and French, for their part in the slave trade and colonisation? How about the Arab states? Are they paying for past transgressions? No. It's only the soft-touch British they're trying to milk. Give in to them now, and they'll all jump on the bandwagon.

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