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The Tommy Robinson March Today.

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sandyRoe | 08:13 Sat 26th Oct 2024 | News
12 Answers

I think it will be all the more poignant for the demonstrators knowing that their hero lies in Durance Vile.

If I could offer them one piece of advice it would be this: Remember, the police are our servants, not our masters.  If they try to push you about today, push back.

'Our Tommy ' needs company.



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a relative of mine is going.... he's not a very well man 

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A full English in 'Spoons washed down with a few pints of Stella.  He'll be as right as rain.

i wish he'd do that instead sandy but a spoons doesn't offer as many opportunities to be hateful about other people!

usual claptrap from the usual suspects...

are you going davebro?

Remember sandy, there are 40k of your mates on the terrorist watch list.

We all know the lefties will cause trouble.

I think that the demonstration is more about the far far far far far right's desire to protest at government reaction to past protests than it is about Tommy Robinson himself. He merely organises demos and attends if the authorities haven't taken him into custody.


What is weird is the counter demonstration isn't from supporters of tyrany, as one might expect given what they are opposing, but from a group wanting to stop racism, who, apparently, have failed to notice the demo has nothing to do with racism. That must prove acutely embarrassing for them when that finally sinks in.

//are you going davebro?//

I didn't even know there was going to be a march until sandy chose to publicise it. Even so he hasn't provided a link...

The rabid left will be there defending the rights of foreign criminals to do What The Funicular they like. Their thinking is if  foreigner commits a crime it is because of the bigotry they face by the racist (and now nazi apparently) English.




that wd be Tommy the  Terrorist would it?

Far right supporting terrorism - now there is a thing

 They think when a   foreigner commits a crime, it is because of the bigotry they face by the racist (and now nazi apparently) English.

I dont have to make it iup: someone else does !

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The Tommy Robinson March Today.

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