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Acceptable Racism.

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Clone | 19:41 Mon 28th Oct 2024 | News
9 Answers


I can't help feeling that if whitey took offense and started singing back the same song about our uninvited settlers but replacing black for white and UK for Israel this video would be all over our news outlets.




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damn savages...

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Not my fault some AB users haven't got the ability to listen to the video.


They're just excited to be out and about, allowed to vent until back at home and mute again, ready to make babies and tea.

But the UK is the hub of the old British Empire, so the citizens of same should surely be welcome here.  After all, the whites were uninvited settlers in their home, in some cases condeming the native populations to everlasting inferior status even after Independence.

Low blow......but I accept your challenge. 😁

I thought exactly the same thing earlier.

I wonder quite what sort of response I would have received if I asked these 'foreigners' why they were chanting about other 'foreigners' in a foreign-land in MY country?

[standing by for the usual post from TTT about hating my country]


Shouldn't they be busy doing housework somewhere:

Question Author

[standing by for the usual post from TTT about hating my country]



Nah, he's more likely to wonder what you are babbling on about.

It's good to see they make use of a freedom that they wouldn't have in their own country.

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