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Anti -Vaxxer Named Health Secretary

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Untitled | 14:35 Mon 18th Nov 2024 | News
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what about his actions naomi? that seems like a fair way to judge his position. he said that are no safe or effective vaccines and is chair of Childrens' Health Defense, which opposes all vaccinations of children. how much more antivax can you get?

He surely can't mean vaccinations for polio, measles, rubella, TB etc etc.

And if he does he needs replacing pronto.

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RFK also said on his interview with Joe Rogan that 5G causes cancer... which is something that his "charity" had also claimed. 

he's a loon. 

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he has claimed before that the polio vaccine caused cancer douglas

Perhaps David Icke is available, we could have our own nut job in Congress

It's probably true to say that all vaccines aren't necessarily safe for all people and he says he not anti-vaccine so he must accept some.

It is hard to argue he anti vax what with him being Chair of CHildrens Health Defence organisation who say

With all the advances in medicine in recent history, why are our nation’s children getting sicker? In 1986, 12.8% of children in the U.S. had a chronic health condition compared to 54% in 2007 — curiously, the last year this data was made publicly available. The parallel between rising disease rates and the increasing number of childhood vaccines is hard to ignore.

I would have preferred covid to the mini-stroke the Moderna vaccine gave me.

Chelle, I recall a conversion I had here along similar lines - the case being autism.  I was told that diagnosis is better now.  

*conversation - not conversion.  😂

“…he has been campaigning against vaccines for years.”

But people are free to ignore his campaign, surely (as they should of any politician if they have any sense).

“I would have preferred covid to the mini-stroke the Moderna vaccine gave me.”

And your experience, Khandro, is a perfect example of why it is wrong to castigate someone for holding a contrary opinion. Some people agree with vaccination, others don’t. It is obvious that politicians will hold different opinions on different issues. It is clear that the health secretary in the USA will have his own views on vaccination. But nobody is being forced to take vaccines and nobody is being denied them. It is, as it should be, a matter of choice. If people want to listen to politicians when making those decisions that’s their privilege. Personally I would counsel against it and advise them to listen to people who know what they are talking about – which invariably on most topics eliminates most politicians.

The OP title “Anti -Vaxxer Named Health Secretary” gives the impression that Mr Kennedy has advocated slaying all the first-born.

Despite his assertions to the contrary, everything that RFK Junior says about vaccines shows that he is anti-vax. He is about as credible Andrew Wakefield.  And oddly enough, "The next US health secretary has suggested erecting a statue of the disgraced British doctor who claimed the MMR vaccine causes autism":

Ellipsis, despite all the controversy surrounding Andrew Wakefield - and I know we're all supposed to demonise him - I have my doubts about MMR.  

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"he says he not anti-vaccine so he must accept some."

no naomi he doesn't. when he says he isn't anti-vax he is either lying or he is confused. 

Or telling the truth.

That's fine, naomi, you're not the UK Health Secretary, but would you like somebody like Andrew Wakefield to be in that position?

That's a loaded question, ellipsis.  If I say I'd rather be safe than sorry there are two ways of reading that response.

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if he was telling the truth naomi then he would not have campaigned against vaccines without exception for so long. imagine if kamala harris turned around tomorrow and said that she had never been a democrat. you wouldn't just take her at her word and RFK's claim that he has never been anti vax is just as much of a whopper.


Would you be in favour of a UK health minister who said that they would not support the use of vaccines?

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