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Petition For Another Election

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webbo3 | 09:40 Sun 24th Nov 2024 | News
128 Answers

Call a General Election - Petitions

Call a General ElectionI would like there to be another General Election.I believe the current Labour Government have gone back on the promises they laid out in the lead up to the last election.

392,000 already, it there should now be a debate



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It was a fluke majority. No doubt at all about that. It was the result of pathetic govt from the Tories and people were prepared to vote for anyone but them, much to the benefit of Labour. 
10:03 Sun 24th Nov 2024

"People might want to consider who elected Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak to office? Why were there not general elections then?"

If you really don't know the reason for that the answer is quite simple - the UK electorate does not elect a Prime Minister and no GE is required when a Prime Minister resigns/dies/whatever..

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Exactly, we elect the party and the party elects the leader ^

No signing petitions for me.

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1,254,564 signatures now

I will sign with pleasure. 

I actually voted Lib Dems because I didn't want the Tories or Labour getting in, as I don't trust Kier Starmer, or Rishi Sunak. 

I see you finally got an avatar sorted.

Yes, well done for getting it sorted out, renegadefm.  Who is is?

government will probably say anyone who signed the petition is is right wing and need locking up, dissent will not be tolerated.

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\\Yes, well done for getting it sorted out, renegadefm.  Who is is?//

Phil Lynott, Thin lizzy

looks like Phil Lynott

Thanks webbo/TTT.


Thanks 😉 and yes its Phil Lynott from Thin Lizzy.

Its actually taken from Phil's last single entitled Nineteen from 1985 just before he died. 

Oh ok.  Thanks.  

My sister sent me this petition this morning.  Ive been busy, but have decided to sign it. It won't make the Govt. resign - but it may send a very close shot across their bows and give them pause for thought.

I've sent it on to a lot of friends.


What part of a government is elected for a 5 year period are people not understanding?

Fiveleaves, five years is not set in stone.  If a vote of confidence or a vote of no confidence is held and the government of the day loses, it must resign or call a general election.  Which bit of that do you not understand?


More power to this petition.  

fiveleaves: "What part of a government is elected for a 5 year period are people not understanding?" - so we are not allowed to protest? We know they are there for 5 years but that doesn't mean the people cannot use any avenue of protest.

naomi: "If a vote of confidence or a vote of no confidence is held and the government of the day loses, it must resign or call a general election." - no they'll just form another government around a new leader. Labour will still be in.

TTT, they are not necessarily there for five years.

but with their majority they'll not lose a VONC.

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