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Christmas Eve Boxes

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Madgeorge | 19:18 Mon 25th Nov 2024 | Shopping & Style
21 Answers

Saw a "Christmas Eve box" in the shops today. Where did this stupid idea come from, and more importantly, why?

Don't children get enough on Christmas day?



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Maybe another thing that started in US like Halloween ... and to make us spend more money on more presents...  bah humbug I say...

Just what is a Christmas Eve Box?



It's what families do after Christmas Eve  drinkiepoos when tongues get loosened.

Thank you Douglas .... although I think your tongue might be in your cheek! ..... 😏

Oh, never heard of them, but it seems it may be another commercial con that the suckers will fall for; yes ? Did it originate in America, by any chance ?

.... and thank you pasta.

Yummy, these look good and with free delivery. Saves a load of shopping time I suppose.

What a thoroughly stupid idea - obviously a commercial scam.

Don't the Royal Family open their presents on Christmas Eve anyway ?

It's for children...something parents can probably make up themselves. It doesn't have to be a scam. Oh you cynics!

Old_Geezer@20:06...Germany apparently. 

Isn't it supposed to new pyjamas, slippers, a film or game and Christmas eve snacky things?

Get the kids bathed, in their new nightwear and settled in front of TV before bed

Have always given daughter and grandkids new pajamas for Christmas Eve and a sweater to wear the next day

I wouldn't have appreciated them when I was a kid. 

I could never be excited about pyjamas at any age ☚ī¸

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Ah, Pasta. Perhaps the closing of German Christmas fayres, due to security issues these days, has encouraged the merchant class to find other ways to convince folk to buy.

Every Christmas Eve when my kids were little I would get them new pajamas and fluffy socks and a selection of goodies. We would then watch a film. It's not a new concept it's just become a 'thing'.

OG, lots of German Christmas markets in the UK this year, and in Germany too, unsurprisingly.

wherever I was maybe Home Bargains - a gentleman bought a size that was equivelent of quite a large suitcase and in it was sweets cos the sweets were displayed on the box.  

2 words..Retail Opportunity

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