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So It Was Just Another Dirty Con Trick Then .

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gulliver1 | 10:55 Fri 29th Nov 2024 | News
68 Answers

The Valadity of a petition demanding a General Election was a put up job then ,after dicovering many of the people who signed this  petition are from  people living in Spain and other EU Countries, also Australia UAE and many other Countries around the World ,even China.Just another Con job.There is NO Way this petition will trigger a GE .So it's back to the drawing board for the Opposition party then 🤔!



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A petition calling for a General Election with only three million or so signatures when Labour got 9,708,716 votes in July can’t succeed. But should it keep accelerating, all that could change. If it garnered more signatures than the votes Labour obtained in the GE, say about 10million, there is all to play for. That number would be equivalent to 20 per cent of all those who are registered to vote (48,208,507). And that, it could be argued, would justify calling a General Election.

Where people reside or are domicile is irrelevant, each one has to fulfil specific conditions for which they have been vetted, so it is perfectly legal to vote.

Did you complain gulliver of those people abroad who voted for the Labour Party?

You know what they say - if you're in a (black) hole. stop digging - unfortunately Labour have chosen to make the hole wider & deeper.

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Even if all those prayers said by the Tory abers were answered and a miracle happened .If another early GE was called............ No way would the Tories win it .End of.

"Feel sorry really for the Tory Abers on here who had pinned their hopes on this petition, of getting this Labour Govt with such a *huge majority* who kicked the Tories down the road into  Opposition Street,,,removed from power."

Can you point us to anybody on here who "pinned their hopes" on that? Virtually everybody on here accepts that, bar some very exceptional circumstances that are unlikely to occur, the country will suffer a Labour government until the summer of 2029. What makes you think anybody pinned their hopes on the petition securing a General Election? 

it is quite possible to vote fraudulently in petitions. all you need is a valid e-mail address and postcode. such a person would also register as being from the UK regardless of where they actually were. 

i seem to recall tories getting very hot under the collar about the possibility of voter fraud. they are quite relaxed about it when it suits them. as usual, tories believe in absolutely nothing. 

//tories believe in absolutely nothing. //


What a ridiculous statement.

12:00 for someone who claims not to vote labour you don't half go into bat for them.

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Untitled 11.12 Bet TTT and his twin poster YMB have got writers cramp ...End of.

Gullivers medication has kicked in,or his mum has allowed him to play again anyone who thinks this petition will change anything, no but shows the discontent in the UK.

gully just posts stuff he thinks will wind people up - he doesnt give a damn if it's true or a complete fiction.

I don't really know why he bothers - must be a fechin boring life in Malta.

he's not in Malta, I'll be surprised if he's ever had a passport. He sits in his mum's attic in his y fronts surrounded by pictures of Boris.

Labour have created their own black hole.

What does it matter? It's not as if the petition will have any impact.

Its impact is in the fact that it reminded us all that this has been the worst government in history in the shortest time. The PM felt moved enough to comment, he would have ignored it if it was having no effect. I suspect behind closed doors Labour will be having a good hard look. Never has popularity plummeted so completly so quickly even among their own core voters. Of course like all petitions they have very little direct impact but they do at least raise awareness.

However it was started it was chuffing stupid. 


An unwitting catspaw could live anywhere.

To mix a metaphor, who really knows who's the puppeteer pulling the strings?

//An unwitting catspaw could live anywhere.//


This one lives in the Midlands and was not unwitting.

"i seem to recall tories getting very hot under the collar about the possibility of voter fraud. they are quite relaxed about it when it suits them."

There's a considerable difference beween showing concern for the integrity of voting (especially) in Parliamentary elections and showing concern for the integrity of a petition which, apart from possibly taking up ten minutes of Parliament's time, will have no impact whatsoever.

//However it was started it was chuffing stupid. //

So says someone from the far left who would like to shut down any discent.

Tough mate, still a free country (just about) even if 2TK would like to send plod round to add to his political prisoners.

It was never goingbto trigger a GE anyway.

I've no idea if ex-pats opted to sign too. There was enough in favour here to make the point that the signers wanted.

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