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Should Masterchef Be Paused?

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naomi24 | 13:37 Mon 02nd Dec 2024 | News
27 Answers

Culture Secretary, Lisa Nandy, has held talks with the BBC regarding allegations against Gregg Wallace and MP Rupa Huq said the BBC should consider pausing MasterChef while Wallace is investigated.  I'm happy never to see Wallace's face again but for the sake of everyone else involved in the series I'd suffer it.



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A bald bloke told jokes and maybe touched somebody, stop the world!

Could be a long wait if there's buns in the oven.

Unfair on everyone else involved in making or competing in the programme.

For the sake of the current run, if you done like him then don't watch.

Pity the poor winner who's waited months to tell all and sundry they've won, only to be told you'll have to wait a few months more yet.

Like you I would be more than happy to see him go, but still think the series should continue. I feel it woud be very unfair to the contestants not to.

Most companies carry on even when someone is asked to stay away for whatever reason. I see no reason the entertainment industry should be any different.

No, poele can choose not to watch it. Thise who watched it so far, not to mention the contestants, should have hte opportunity for the series to finish.

It's nearly over anyway isn't it?


It's currently nearing the end of the Professionals series...the best of the 3 versions. I'd like to see the end results please!

ditto me, pasta! 

why should we customers/licence holders or indeed the rest of the production team be made to suffer? 


i like masterchef professionals! and the series is just getting good! i'll be very annoyed if they pause it just because of this oafish old man. he has always been the most annoying thing about the show. i hope it continues next year, it will be improved immeasurably without his input.

No of course not.

Why are politicians involved, havnt they got better things to do?

The problem's been there from day one because the arty types who make this kind of stuff imagine that Mr Wallace is an everyman blokey bloke that serfs and proles can relate to.

Much in the same way that serfs and proles imagine programme makers to be effete homosexuals whose experience of real life is nil.

Kultchur worrs.

it was paused for me about 5 years ago, never to resume

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I think the rest of the series should be shown as the young chefs have put so much work into it.  It was recorded months ago and these chefs have not been able to say who won and have had to keep much of it secret.  1ozzy this is a BBC program so no adverts for the makers to worry about until it maybe goes out to other channels later on.

Should Masterchef Be Paused?   Better idea would be to close down the BBC, it's served it's purpose and proved time and time and time again they are a corrupt organisation.

Much in the same way that serfs and proles imagine programme makers to be effete homosexuals whose experience of real life is nil

have you met any of these limp wristed influencers?

The cheek of it ! - pun intended - we havent had that yet have we?

A minister shold not be influencing Beeb content - 1963 Crazy Dick Crossman said of TW3 - "oh we would never allow that!" - which caused a free-sooon of comment

( he died suddently and it was taken off)

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It was shown last night so presumably the BBC has decided not to pause it.  

Yes, permanently.

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