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Could Trump Save The West's Decline ?

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Khandro | 07:44 Fri 06th Dec 2024 | News
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But the Chagos Islands aren't being "given back". The government is desperately trying to cause a global issue by transferring them to Mauritius who simply claims them.

What do I disagree with ? Difficult to tell until his policies are clear. But I think we can assume he intends letting Russia hold invaded land. And assumes Europe is in a position to cover any US handwashing of the Ukrainian conflict. Also possible isolationist policies regarding 'tariffs for all' will be a drag on the global economy, and while seemingly beneficial to the US initially is bound to hit it's economic success longer term. Perhaps that'd do to start ?

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^^ Nor really.  Russia, (a despicable place and governance imo) , has non the less a legitimate claim to Crimea, which it has held for 300 years since Catherine the Great. The Donbass I'm not sure about, most of the population speak Russian it seems.

But anyway, nobody has given anything away to anyone as yet, & it is impossible to ever predict Trump's actions. 

Ok, but Crimea was agreed to be part of Ukraine. One reverses such a decision by conquest at great risk. But it could be a solution to the Chagos Islands though. If government gives them away this term the next government merely have to send the troops in and get it back. Whether the same advice about not standing near windows would then be applicable to the present government members, I really couldn't know.

// If government gives them away this term the next government merely have to send the troops in and get it back.//

With the blessings of the Chinese?

The CCP can have their ambassador protest if they wished. But they would be aware that the US had an interest in the camp remaining in British (or from their point of view, American) administration.

Hymie You misrepresent the facts by, 'he has promised to revoke ‘Obama-care’  There was no proposal for the complete removal of care for needy. 

actually I think he has: it is a bit like some of the mods here. One day bomb them to death. Next day starve them to death.

OK I got that a bit wrong


His aim was at  people who were able to afford health insurance but chose not to buy it.

No - he wanted to deprive them of health care in order to reduce taxes - and THAT is why the health CEO  got shot. They insure and then dont pay

Could Trump save ests decline

Christ - that is a bit messianic innit? ( pun intended)

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