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Christmas Day ??? .

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gulliver1 | 14:12 Sat 21st Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Can anyone guess which Mod will be on Duty Christmas Morning and who will take over on the afternoon shift. Bet I Can .



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You don't need to guess

 I volunteered for the full 24 hour shift. Quadruple pay and a big box of Thornton's.

I'm looking forward to it

Not to mention the backhanded, oops sorry, the gifts, from other mods too.

Shhh .... we don't talk about the plain brown envelopes.  😉

That's generous pay, Barry.  I am being paid a thousand times my normal wage to work tomorrow.  It nearly makes up for having to drag myself out of bed before lunchtime on a Sunday.


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Mrs Mod will definitely be on Guard duty Christmas afternoon. Right up her Street ,trying to catch abers off guard after a few tipples.

Gullz stop scourging yourself - wrong liturgical season - welcome new mods if any as the lickle baby jesus

-- answer removed --

Oh lord! Where do I sign up? 😀

Chris took the photo. It was nice of Ed and SpareEd to change hat and clothing respectively 

I've put my name forward for the lunchtime slot.

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Christmas Day ??? .

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