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I Love Al Qaeda

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ll_billym | 21:55 Sun 05th Feb 2006 | News
38 Answers

There was a picture in the Sunday Times today of a baby with outside the Danish Embassy in London with the above phrase on its hat.

I have no problem with this per se, nor the Danish cartoons for that matter, but I find it very hypocritical of the Muslims at the demonstration that they are up in arms about the cartoons yet have no qualms about putting "I love Al Qaeda" on a babys hat with the exclusive intention of offending people.

I think that they just want an excuse to all stand up and bang their drums and offend people under the pretense of being offended. Anyone agree?



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I think this is not just an attempt to offend others, but that it's an organised attempt by those with an agenda to stir up trouble in western societies by provoking them with these blatant displays of hatred. Are they trying to whip up civil unrest?
In my opinion Islam is an evil religion! I know you cannot usually generalise, but in this religion there are just too many active fundementalists/extremists for it to be described as anything else.
I think you, jgs, are probably correct in what you say, and British society and laws and their enforcement let these people get away with murder, sometimes literally!!

I saw another news report that said BEHEAD THOSE WHO OFFEND ISLAM.

Well personally I find it a wicked, evil religion and I am pretty certain both [edited by AB]

Oh look I still have my head.

Unfortunately, you appear to have no brain in it.
waldo go and argue with a parent of one of the deceased from the underground bombings, you absolute ****.

How can anyone say that islam is a evil religion have you read the koran? It's not the religion that is evil it's the hate filled political zealots that twist what it says to suit their despicable and crazy racist agenda's.

Just like christianity is by similar xenophobic christian fundamentalists.

The scum who took to the streets on friday, are no different to the national front, both are racist extremists who thrive on civil unrest.

What Surfer Mike said!
"waldo go and argue with a parent of one of the deceased from the underground bombings, you absolute ****."

I'm sure they'd agree you're brainless.
SM and Waldo, I said, "in my opinion" I, and probably millions like me, hold this opinion - you hold yours, so that's the way it is!
W-M, put your glass down and go to bed!!

the difference is surfer mike love is the NF do not adopt the policy of suicide bombings.

The NF are not facing world war 3 for (secretly) developing nuclear weapons

The NF do not publically hang people for being gay.

The NF did not kill 3500 in New York

The NF is not a terrorist political power who have just gained control in the middle east.

The NF do not issue fatwas

The NF does not brainwash people under the guise that "follow our manifesto, you will go to Heaven)

The NF do not complain/potentially riot over cartoons of Jesus.

The NF is technically open to anybody who wished to join.

blah blah blah.

Granted, I think the NF are a fairly nefarious bunch of guys but to compare them to evil islamists is a bit far out.

Just wanted to say that I personally do not see Islam as a problem, it's the extremests who CLAIM religious umbridge! At what point did the Christian community riot when The Life Of Brian was released? I am Anglican Christian and also a Monty Python fan and can see the humour. These so called 'Islamic' fundamentalists are nothing more than bully boys looking for a fight with anyone who might just fit their bill at their time in their way.
Without trying to rattle to many cages, go and read the Koran, then read the sayings of Mohamed, (some of you may already have done that), then come back and say Islam is a peaceful religion. Its actually a death cult.

Point taken minty, but extremists they most certainly are, now do you say that christianty is a evil religion because of hatemongers who kill and maim in their name..

I have as much contempt for the islamic fascists as you and many others do, but i'm damned if i'm going to make broad based generalisations about a religion practiced by billions of people around the globe as evil, because of the actions of Al-Qaeda and other like minded extremists.

its like associating billions of sensible practicing christians with the thousands of fundamentalist nutters who carry out acts of brutality in the name of jesus christ.

I have to say that the situation is getting out of hand. Maybe the government should offer them a free ticket back to an islamic state of their choice where they can live out their days.

They are obviously unhappy about the freedom of expression that the generations before us have made sacrifices for.

Tolerance is starting to run out, and the options are few. The risk is that society as a whole will become more extreme in dealing with it. Common decency is a thing of the past now, but it is not yet forgoten.

My point, bang your drums to your hearts content - but not in my country.

There is a tiny minority of islamist fanatics who are so mindbogglingly extreme that they can not even grasp the point of the fundamental contradiction between exercising freedom of speech and calling for people to be killed. The people who carried the placards at the demonstration the other day only represented ordinary Muslims in the same way that a tiny obscure fascist splinter-group (e.g. N9S) would represent ordinary British or white or Christian people.

These pond life are hate-filled brainless cretins - scumbags of the lowest order.

A couple of cartoons are printed and there is a call to arms with threats of beheadings, bombings and calls for Europe's 9/11.

Now I know the protesters are only a mindless minority, so where are the denouncements from the Muslim leaders? The only interviews I've seen they have simply said that the cartoons were offensive and shouldn't've been published - have the swingers to come out and banish these cretins from the brownies.

If, as I have heard over and over again, the Islamic faith is a peaceful one, then condemn these ******* idiots out of hand.

I worked in the Middle East for years and in my experience (or certainly at least the people I taught - hundreds over the years) they aren't a particularly bright bunch, so perhaps this pack mentaility is about par for the course.

Thank God for Islamic extremists. They take the attention away from black men like me. At least now when I get on a tube late at night people don't think I'm going to mug them...they're too busy worrying about the Asian lad sitting further down the carraige.

I just can't see why these scumbags haven't been thrown on a plane back to their country. They really are a select few and I am not generalising at all here. I am not a racist person and work and live in a multi racial environment. But if they are threatening us and our country and dressing up as bombers then please tell me how they are allowed to stay here? I am pretty certain if I went over there and done what they did I wouldn't be alive to chant any longer.

Our government is an absolute joke, our police have no power. All there is for us to do is wait for the panic and fear to spread again when they decide to put the threats into action again. And how many lives will be lost next time.

I think all those involved should be sent to the same place as Abu Hamsa for insighting hatred, secondly all that decided to take to the streets with the vile signs of hate are hypacrits....wasnt one of the cartoon pictures dipicting their god as a why go round the streets with signs say "i love Al Queda" and Behead those who insult Islam"....they seem like terrorist comments to me....
And what a cowardly Government and Policeforce we have. To all those Europe haters out there -Many European Governments have not caved in like ours has.

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